

08 Nov

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sophiro:
Originally posted by Resident NATO Freedom Enjoyer: Is this a complaint, a report, a statement, a compliment, a question?
All at once ig, except compliment ofc. Am I the only one not having my 5 daily RP bonuses with planes in ANY nation? Why only add these bonuses only for tanks and helis, I dont see the point?

Please check the article:
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    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please be aware that you can get the for free via Warbonds.
Decorations (so also bushes) are not permament - you can shot them down from enemy vehicles.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

07 Nov

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes. You should be faster (despite the aerodynamic shape, it's still a big thing attachet to aircraft and works like air-break).
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Habibti Gaza: I've gotten a in-game name (tag) ban. I'm supposed to change my name, then PM a Forum Master to become an active player. BUT, I can't PM a master until I'm an active game player. So... what to do? TY
If you cannot send PM, please jump here and create new thread with clear info, that you cannot send PM and you are asking for contact with Game Master.

06 Nov

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by KaBBaM: Am I the only one that is seeing kills not being registered in season tasks?
Please double check requirements.
I just checked, it works fine for me.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by michschreib: Destroying ground targets doesn't work. I just destroyed 6 targets in AB (yes with a rank 3 aircraft) and they weren't counted. The battle was about capturing airfields, bases and ground targets were there too. First I destroyed a base and then 6 ground targets. They were not counted for the above challenge. Bug?
I just checked, works fine for me.
5 Ground targets destroyed in battle - 5 registered in task.

04 Nov

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ravioli: where everybody at?
there's 10 people waiting in t1 lobby
It depends on:
Game mode.
Server you have selected.
Time you play (different time zones - different number of people on server).
If you are in squad or not.

29 Oct

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by A_Shrimp: In the middle of a game and it said something like “after this match your account will be suspended for multiple violations against the guideline” but I can’t recall doing anything recently let alone multiple times, and I haven’t been suspended well after the match, anyone else getting this weird message or maybe a bug?
AFAIK we do not have any system that will display you such info during battle.
My wild guess is that someone is trying to trick you by using general chat in battle.
No worries :)

PS. If you see such info in chat, feel free to click on it right mouse button and report the user. It's against the rules to mislead other players like that.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ~Francis~: Another topic covered thousands of times, yes! Tell me though I am serious I'm losing everything. Higher tier? Lower tier? air battles? ground battles? Anything but CAS please I don't subscribe to that spineless notion.
Air RB, some rank II-III agile attacker with nice bombload + a lot of ammo. (best if premium because of SL multiplier).
You need a bit of luck (a proper map with lots of ground targets on a large area), but you can get a lot of SL.
My setup:
UK: Avenger Mk II or Hellcat Mk II (both premium) + SL Booster (if you have, it's easy to get them from warbonds for example) + Thunderer Wager (if I have one, it requires rank III, so in this case Hellcat is the aircraft) + during the battle, before I start to farm ground targets, I activate Antimech Wager (it gives you x3 SL for short time).

If you don't have a premium aircraft, it's still the same scenar... Read more

23 Oct

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by r.goiee7: The pure scam continues. It disturbing to find that this game predetermine winners and losers team in front of eyes. When your team is loser team, some of your shots will hit ghosts or cause zero damage. I called out this game during the match several time but I had to use curse words to get their attention, but instead they disabled my chatting privileged. I guess they don't like the truth!
Please stop making things up. Nothing is predetermined. MM do not care on your skill nor your team/enemy skill. BR is what really counts.
If you want to discuss your in game punishment for breaking rules (chat ban), please send PM to Game Master on our official forum. We do not allow to discuss such case on public (so we do not need to publicly ashame people with what they type on chat).

21 Oct

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Venom: Just note how a certain group of players must constantly write in their own language, even if all players from other countries respect the universal language, especially when the translator also has your refrigerator, why do you do that? It's always exclusively about alphabets and things that ingorize everything.
War Thunder Steam Discussion Board is an international forum. You can use any language you want (as long as you obey our rules with your posts).
If you do not understand language used in the thread it most probably means that this post was not directed at you. Nothing bad with it. You can also use google translate or any other translator and simply check what's the post about and even try ... Read more

18 Oct

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are talking on Ground Battles?
There is no correlation. There are different missions on maps (Battle, Conquest, Domination) and you get one of them. AFAIK nothing changed here during last week.

17 Oct

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BOBBY: Ive been playing a good couple of games in air realistic battle and the past 10 games didnt give me any RP , only silver lions any ideas whats happening ?
If you have finished battle before it ends (died earlier) you can check your gains in post battle screen in messages (hangar, envelope icon).
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please be aware that we do not allow to spread Caps Lock warfare on our forum :)

Please do not:
1.1.10. Use or post topic/thread titles or content which is fully capitalised, contains unclear abbreviations, contains or suggests profanity, or does not properly indicate the content of the post.

16 Oct

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Do not do the following:
1.1.10. Use or post topic/thread titles or content which is fully capitalised, contains unclear abbreviations, contains or suggests profanity, or does not properly indicate the content of the post.

The rules are pinned and visible for everyone since years.
If you do not like this specific one, no one force you to post on our Discussion Board. I am pretty sure you will be able to find a place, where posting in caps is totally ok.
Good luck discussing there!

11 Oct

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by HighPilot: I will return the favor even if it wasn't me killed. EVERY TIME. if you go in Sim, please take the time to foster the growth of a couple of usable braincells. But, if you don't, I have zero use for silver lions. So, I will gladly and proudly kill you.
TeamKilling is against the rules. No matter if you TK a TK or not, you are still breaking the rules and you will be punished by the system.
Please do not use TK as a method to punish people who break the rules. If you see someone rule breaking in the game, please use in game complain system.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Cadako: I finished a game, unlocked a plane with 10,000 RP leftover to invest into a new plane. While I was deciding between two planes to invest that 10,000 RP into, I clicked into the modifications of one the planes and after modification menu, my 10,000 RP wasn't there to invest anymore, nor was it invested into any aircraft either.

I have all of this on a recording. It's happened before too. But I let it lie as it was a much smaller RP gain, but all the same...I have a literal record of Gaijin robbing me of 10K RP and I am sure I'm not the only one this kind of thing is happening to.
If you have any issue with your in game account, please send a ticket to our support here:
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10 Oct

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RXDimA: I'd love to see the rocket powered kamikaze D4Y4, imagine the fun using it in GRB :DDD
I want Gaijin to run out of modern jets to add so they return to adding cool prop planes again.
Don't want to spoil your hopes, but no. No kamikaze aircraft in our game.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TDJ: Im tired of seeing players utilize an audio exploit in Sim by flying around with an open c*ckpit. Its night and day difference and is such an obvious bug that i dont get how I still run into it. Gaijin please patch this already....
I am pretty sure it was fixed in "Dance of Dragon" update:

Now, when flying an aircraft from c*ckpit view at high speeds, an open canopy/c*ckpit door will cause external sounds to be muffled by the wind and become indistinguishable.

It stopped working like that, or you have something else on mind?