Today we’re shipping the Tacticians Music Kit box, featuring six new Music Kits from Austin Wintory, Chipzel, Jesse Harlin, Laura Shigihara, Leonard Paul (Freaky DNA) and Sarah Schachner.
There’s no better tactic than sharing your new MVP anthem with the rest of the server!
Release Notes for 8/12/2021 can be found below:
– Added the “Tacticians” Music Kit Box, available in regular and StatTrak™ variants, featuring 6 new music kits:
— Austin Wintory, Mocha Petal
— Chipzel, ~Yellow Magic~
— Freaky DNA, Vici
— Jesse Harlin, Astro Bellum
— Laura Shigihara: Work Hard, Play Hard
— Sarah Schachner, KOLIBRI
– Added a designation of bombsite A and B to game events generated when player begins to plant the bomb and finishes planting the bomb.