

04 Aug


Hi everyone-
Pardon our dust! The ability to scale heroes and barriers isn’t going live in the 1.51 update. We’ve identified some parts of the tech that need to be improved before it’s ready for primetime. Thank you for the awesome and creative stuff that’s been made on the PTR so far. We’re still working to get the feature to the live servers as soon it’s ready!

15 Jul


(Crossposting here from PTR: Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – July 15, 2020)
Hi everyone!

I wanted to drop this video we shared with our team during our milestone review of some of the fun new workshop features. It was a blast working on some of the features this release w/ Dan and Zach! We can’t wait to see what you all do with it

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Hi everyone!

I wanted to drop this video we shared with our team during our milestone review of some of the fun new workshop features. It was a blast working on some of the features this release w/ Dan and Zach! We can’t wait to see what you all do with it :slight_smile:

07 Nov


An update with some clarifications and answers to common questions I’ve seen:

Commands and logic still happen on tick boundaries, but for shots that were triggered between tick boundaries we re-position the game state to that sub-tick frame of reference for hit detection (for example, if you fired 8ms before a tick boundary, we rewind both yourself and others backwards in time by an extra 8ms so that everything lines up w/ that point in time).

We do update the players most up to date view/aim direction every rendered frame, but this is cosmetic only relative to the logic update rate.

Client framerate doesn’t matter for the server, since we never send more than one input per tick to the server.

It’s not an interpolation between end of tick inputs, we’re actually using where you’re aiming when you click.

As has been noted by others, this is only affected by the polling rate of the mouse hardware, the DPI and sensitivity don’t matter. The system is ...

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05 Nov


Hi everyone! I’m Derek, a gameplay engineer on Overwatch and wanted to run through this new feature in version 1.42, and exactly what it does and how it works.

First, a quick summary on how aiming and shooting happens in Overwatch. Overwatch simulates (or ticks) every 16 milliseconds, or at 62.5Hz. Each tick, we update the players aiming direction based on whatever raw inputs we’ve received from the mouse hardware since the previous tick. If the player has pressed primary fire, we then launch their shot in that direction (assuming they are alive, have ammo, aren’t in the middle of some other action, etc.)

Despite this being a conventional way of handling mouse input in a first-person shooter, we wanted to do better. Many gaming mice these days support 500Hz, 1000Hz or even more in terms of polling rates. At 1000Hz, this means the mouse movement done between game ticks can be done by as many as 16 discrete mouse movements delivered from the hardware. An example here may...

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07 Mar


Self-knockbacks specifically have not been changed, so they should all work as they used to.

06 Mar


Thanks for the report! This bug also affects Brigitte’s shield not regenerating properly, and has been fixed.

05 Mar


The knockback interaction w/ RP has also been fixed to be as it has been.


This is a bug and will be fixed, thanks for the report!

28 Feb


There’s currently an issue causing Seismic Slam to not pull people in quite like they’re supposed to. A fix for it is in the works.


Hi everyone!

I’d like to clarify a few points and give some more details on exactly what the new knockback behavior changes.

Previously, knockbacks generally worked as a simple impulse. This is what caused characters to fly away faster if they were moving away, or much less far at the time of the knockback if they were moving towards the knockback. In the new system, the movement pre-knockback doesn’t matter, but only in the direction of the knockback. Any movement that is not either into or away from the knockback is not affected.

What didn’t change is the ability to fight back against the knockback. Once knocked back, you still have the ability to accelerate back towards where you came from.

Rough knockback distance equivalents:

PTR: Moving into or away from knockback, or stationary

Live: Stationary

PTR: Moving into or away from knockback, or stationary, immediately accelerate into the knockback when hit


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