

20 Feb


Thanks for taking the time to report this, u/OzzyWozzie! I've passed this along to our QA team and they're investigating.


Thanks for the report, u/SneekyDD! I've made sure our QA team is aware of this issue and they're investigating.

19 Feb


Originally posted by EthanRDoesMC

Could you look at the Gan skin from the Wise Warrior set? His braid doesn’t collide at all with the Blue Wave back bling and it looks kinda weird. Thanks! Y’all have really made this season special :)

edit: also if you could bring the pickaxe from that set back into the store for a little bit, it would be awesome; I can’t find any other harvesting tools that match Gan and wasn’t able to pick up the pickaxe :/

We're aware of the issues with Gan's ponytail and it's being looked into. I can't do anything for the pickaxe though. I don't have any control over the store.


Originally posted by EquilibriumUber

The lighting on Skull Sickle is also messed up

Would it be possible to send me a screenshot so I can see what you're seeing?


Originally posted by Harry34186

u/EpicBoaty could you also take a look at the Dark Voyager and Mission Specialist skins? Their heads clip through the helmets during many of the emotes. Thanks!

Thanks for reaching out. We're tracking both of these issues and are investigating.


Originally posted by 420snorlax420

The back bling for flat foot is also glitched on most skins. Thanks for all the comms!

Would you be able to get me a screenshot of this so I can have some visuals?


Originally posted by kondorarpi

I can, locker view:


But visible in the lobby too:


Thanks for following up with me! I've passed these links along to our QA team so they can investigate.


Originally posted by luckfogicc

hey could you fix Red Knight's shield backbling glitching through most of the outfits in game, it's one of my favorite backblings but I rarely use it for that reason

This is on our scope and is being looked into!


Originally posted by Booty_Is_Life_

Harley Quinns suspenders also mess up sometimes

This is on our scope and is being investigated.


Originally posted by IOnlyPlayAsWildCard

Chomp jr is also broken too. I don’t know if that’s known by you guys. It stretches so much across the screen.

Thanks for reaching out. This is indeed a known issue and is being investigated.


Originally posted by injector1234

There is also an issue with the Havoc outfit. There is a tiny hole on the right side of his mask. Can you please take a look at that?

Thanks for bringing this up, injector1234! Would it be possible for you to get me a screenshot of this?


Thanks for reporting this, u/Axanaba. This is on our scope and is being investigated.


Originally posted by Rift-Deidara

Can you guys also check on Maverick? :) His jacket clips and collides with certain backblings like Skateboards or Dire's backbling

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Would it be possible for you to get me a photo or video of this issue?


Originally posted by Zakari2112

Similar thing is happening to Deadeye's jacket. Please take a look at it.

We're aware of the issues with the Deadeye outfit and it's being investigated.


Originally posted by Burnoutm1818

If you don't mind also checking out double helix/architype, their jacket that hangs down over one of the legs is super pushed out and makes a weird lump, it came with the new cloth engine too, thanks

We're aware of the issues with the Double Helix outfit and it's being investigated.


Thanks for pointing this out, u/Jeremy25738! I've sent this over to our QA team and they're investigating.

18 Feb


We're aware that non-throwable weapons are currently present in the Catch! LTM and are working on a fix.

17 Feb


Sorry to see you ran into this issue. The team is aware of this problem and it is being investigated.

12 Feb


Originally posted by savage34

Not the op but when I submit feed back via the in game menu (PS4) do I need to submit a clip of what’s going on? Does it happen automatically? Or are the logs enough do “see “ what’s happening?

The logs let us see what was happening "under the hood" when the issue occurred. Submitting a clip separately is still a good idea if possible, or you can reach out to me directly with the clip.


Hey, u/longlastingpain!

Thanks for bringing this forward. This issue is currently being looked into. Sorry for the inconvenience.