

12 Feb


Thanks for the report, u/Use-Code-Dux! I've ensured that the proper team is looking into this.


Thanks for reporting this and sorry for the inconvenience, u/UNiKi_. This problem is on our scope and will be fixed in an upcoming update.


Originally posted by kingofasgard89

I’m not sure if you’re seeing this comment, and no I haven’t reported this through the in game feedback section. But all of my friends and I are having trouble with the sweetspot circle actually registering while farming. It’s a huge problem and causing it to take forever to farm. I’m on PS4.

This should have been fixed in today's update. Have you hopped into a match since the update?


Thanks for the report, u/ToastwithSalt! I've ensured our QA team is aware of and investigating this issue.


Hey, u/DEST101ROYER!

Thanks for reaching out to report this. These issues are on our scope and being investigated.


Hey, u/Majkelek14!

Thanks for reporting this. I've sent this over to our QA team so they can investigate.

Did this issue persist into the actual match, or was the pickaxe only affected during the pre-match lobby?


Thanks for reporting this, u/ahmeda9a! This issue is on our scope and will be fixed in a future update.


Thanks for reporting this, u/Dolotone. Has this happened multiple times?

Also, have you submitted feedback after encountering this using the in-game Feedback button? This would allow me to look into your logs.


Thanks for the report, u/Mr_OneMoreTime. This issue is on our scope and is being investigated.


We're aware of this issue. The Outfit will be available for 1,200 V-Bucks soon.

Players who've bought or will buy it for 1,500 V-Bucks will have 300 V-Bucks refunded.


This was so creative. (no pun intended) Thanks for sharing, u/wilberzon!


You're crushing it, u/RuffianSFM!


You did a great job, thanks for sharing!

10 Feb

07 Feb


Thanks for the report, u/Telebruh! We're aware of issues with players falling through the map and it's being investigated.


Originally posted by SlappyHei

I’m ashamed of myself because I did that once for an entire round. Someone on my team also became my bodyguard when I did it lmao

I don't know why you would be ashamed of something so awesome. Really cool your teammate was on board to protect you too!


This is so cool, nice work! Also, happy cake day!


Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I've made the team aware of this and it's being investigated, u/TropicalTrapF1r3.


Thanks for pointing this out, u/ArbroathsFinest. Our team is aware of and looking into these issues.


Thanks for reporting this, u/xsaadx! Passing this along to the QA team so they can investigate.