

22 Jan


Originally posted by Yemer7

Im very confused?

Hey Yemer7, PM me your in game name and platform you play on. I'll take a look.

08 May


Originally posted by DarkLordCZ

Wait, you don't work at Epic anymore?

Still do.

04 May


Brownian Bay

L'Hospital's Lodge

Euclidean Estates

06 Apr

03 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


Looks like the payment went through. The v-bucks will not show up on PC, log into your Xbox to spend them. After you spend them, the item is available on any platform.


Originally posted by scrappy6262

Love ya. Keep on being awesome, and please don't stop interacting with us! I see people spam Epic comments in unrelated threads with suggestions/complaints. Makes me feel bad, and worry :(



Originally posted by Bossdude234

Just letting you know, rainbow smash is bugged. Check this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/8978h9/epic_please_fix_the_rainbow_smash_glitch/

Looks like it was fixed for the next release. Thanks for letting me know.


PM me your in game name or email and the platform you play on. I'll take a look

08 Mar


Originally posted by iTend2GoBEAST

Speaking of /u/Epic_Joel ... my buddy and I ran into that very sir, and I pay my due respects. Thanks for making a great game and sorry for killing you! :) https://youtu.be/7Jn85UO-3uE?t=6m35s

Happy to die for your pleasure. You better have gone on to win that game.


Originally posted by AnotherScoutTrooper

Eliminate one Epic employee with a trap 0/1 (HARD)

Was I the only one that received this quest?

Be eliminated by 1/1,000,000 traps (SOULCRUSHING)

05 Mar


Originally posted by kfranky

This one is for you /u/Epic_Joel <3

You found my alt account! Just kidding. Although that looks like something I would do. 100%

04 Mar


Originally posted by wiskeyranger

Hey I think I found a glitch with a trap not refreshing. Can you go check it out /s

"glitch" ;)

03 Mar

26 Feb

23 Feb


Originally posted by AftT3Rmath

Remember that time somebody boxed you in and trapped you?

Thought we forgot didn't ya?

Internet never forgets.

16 Feb


Originally posted by Matthais

Yeah, he really thought outside the box

14 Feb


10 points for creativity. Wow.

13 Feb


Originally posted by FanC_Fox

How fun is it to play a game a you helped develop?

A lot of fun actually. To see how people react to the things we have created or built is humbling and amazing at the same time. I've worked on games in my past where it felt like a chore or part of my job to play them. Fortnite I play in my free time because I find it entertaining.