

16 Aug


Originally posted by Sethodine

Actually Oli and Luke read and post here all the time. Mostly they just lurk, but every now and then they will speak up.

Always lurking!

05 Aug


Originally posted by Sethodine

One of the future changes that the developers have discussed, is that quality of materials will impact the Lifting ability of your core.

Right now, the basic core lifts 1000kg. But in the future, it will lift a minimum of 1000kg. Using better materials (say, copper instead of iron) will result in increased Lifting ability. And using high quality materials (Q8 instead of Q4) will also impact that lifting ability.

The result is that your very first Core will probably only lift around 1000kg, but as you explore T2 and get better materials (Titanium, Copper, Nickel, etc) then you will be able to build the same core with greater lifting ability. This will be to help offset the difficulty of finding those RNG core upgrades.

This is indeed arriving in the next patch. Every core upgrade can also be enhanced by using quality materials.

The RNG nature of core upgrades is also something we'll be addressing in future updates.

30 Jul


We toyed with the idea of locks but didn't want it to be an advanced schematic that beginning players wouldn't have access to and be at a disadvantage. One thing we're trying out right now is that storage containers are simply inaccessible to anyone not registered to a ship until they have been damaged enough.

Similar to how a cannon would stop working when it has taken too much damage, a container would stop "working" once damaged enough too.

29 Jul


We've made no changes to mantas in terms of aggressiveness so far, but I've toned them down a bit for the next patch, they'll have similar aggression to Wilderness and Expanse mantas but with a bit more hp.