

20 Apr

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hola, aventureros:

Vamos a desconectar nuestros servidores para un mantenimiento el 2023-04-21T06:00:00Z. Esperamos un tiempo de desconexión de aproximadamente 60 minutos.

Aquí podéis encontrar las notas de esta versión:

Economía / Progresión - Habilidades de oficio - Fabricación
• Se solucionó un problema que permitía a los jugadores aumentar su puntuación de fabricación de equipo más de lo previsto.

Combate / IA del Mundo
• Se solucionó un problema en la misión ‘Prisionero Inesperado’ que causaba que Fulgoris se quedara atascado o que no apareciese.

¡Gracias por vuestra paciencia y comprensión!

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding downtime 2023-04-21T06:00:00Z in your local timezone. Downtime is slated to last approximately 1 hour (~60 minutes).

Please find the release notes here:

Economy/Progression - Trade Skills - Crafting

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to increase their minimum Crafting Gear Score more than intended.

Combat/AI - World AI

  • Fixed an issue in the quest ‘Unexpected Prisoner’ that caused Fulgoris to get stuck or not spawn.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

This issue is extremely frustrating I’m sure and it has been resurfaced internally multiple times. Sadly, I don’t have any insight into specifically how the team arrived at the conclusion that the lag problem is not related to New World outside of the information Delakron gave you on Discord.

The best thing to do for affected players is to continue reporting it through the proper channels ie New World Support and provide as much information about your connection as you can, as also mentioned in Delakron’s response on Discord.

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saludos, aventureros:
Al comienzo de la temporada 1, hubo un error con los potenciadores de territorio por el que se obtenía un resultado de fabricación menor de lo debido. Si se te ha identificado como uno de los jugadores afectados por este problema en un intento de fabricación por encima de GS 590, vas a recibir objetos como compensación la próxima vez que inicies sesión.

Perdón por las molestias y gracias por vuestra comprensión.

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

At the beginning of Season 1, there was a bug with Territory Buffs that caused players to get a lower crafting result than they should have. If you have been identified as a player who might have been affected by this issue in a crafting attempt above 590 GS we are providing in game items as compensation the next time you log in.

We apologize, and thank you for your understanding!

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

To clarify, the team was aware of the player reports. They are not aware of anything indicating the issue is being caused by New World. Anyone continuing to experience this issue should also continue to contact Support through the forums and/or the web portal.

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saludos, campeones de territorio del primer trimestre:

Como muchos ya sabéis, hubo un problema con la recompensa de clasificación durante el lanzamiento de la temporada 1. Este problema hizo que algunos miembros de las compañías en el top 3 y top 6 de la clasificación de Días de gobierno no recibieran sus títulos y diseños. Este problema no afectó al 100% de los jugadores (algunos miembros de esas compañías recibieron sus recompensas y algunos no).

A fecha de 2023-04-20T00:30:00Z, hemos entregado los diseños y títulos a todos los miembros ganadores manualmente. Si los recibiste correctamente en su momento, aún los tendrás, pero si no los recibiste, deberías tener tanto el título como el diseño. Además, hemos podido identificar el problema y resolverlo para que esto no ocurra en próximos ciclos de recompensas de temporada.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia, y felicidades por llegar a lo más alto en las clasificaciones de terr...

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    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings, territory champions of Quarter 1!

As many of you know, there was an issue in our leaderboards reward processing when the Season 1 release went live. This issue resulted in some members of the Top 3 and Top 6 ranked companies on the Days Governed board to not receive their earned skins and titles. This issue did not affect 100% of players – some company members received their rewards, and some did not.

As of 2023-04-20T00:30:00Z, we have now issued these skins and titles to all members of the winning companies manually. If you received them correctly before, you will still have them, but if you didn’t receive them before, you should now own both the title and the skin. Additionally, we were able to identify the issue and solve it, so this will not occur in future seasonal reward cycles.

Thank you for your patience, and congratulations on topping the territory leaderboards in its inaugural seasonal cycle!

19 Apr

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saludos, aventureros:
En los próximos días, vamos a fusionar mundos en las regiones de Europa Central, Este de EE. UU. y Sudamérica. Tan pronto como podamos, compartiremos las fechas exactas de estas fusiones.

  • Gaea se unificará dentro de Artorius

Por otro lado, sabemos que algunos jugadores estaban esperando poder transferirse desde un mundo desde cero a un mundo histórico. Por eso hemos creado la opción de transferir desde un mundo desde cero, y ahora se puede iniciar la transferencia de mundo a mundo o de región a región usando una ficha de transferencia de personaje, que se puede comprar en la tienda del juego, como es habitual.

  • Solo se podrá seleccionar como destino mundos normales. La transferencia a mundos desde cero seguirá restringida de momento.
  • La disponibilidad de los mundos dependerá de las limitaciones de población habituales. Por tanto, ciertos mundos pueden dejar de aceptar transferencias de forma inmediata y sin p...
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    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,
In the upcoming days we will be merging worlds within Central EU, US-East, and South America. We will share the exact dates for these merges as soon as possible.

Central EU

  • Artemis will be merging in to Nyx
  • Cleopatra will be merging in to Nyx
  • Crassus will be merging in to Nyx


  • Orofena will be merging in to Maramma
  • Amarah will be merging in to Lilith
  • Seer will be merging in to Lilith

South America

  • Gaea will be merging in to Artorius

Furthermore, we understand that some players on Fresh Start worlds have been anticipating transferring to a Legacy world. The option to transfer out of Fresh Start Worlds has been made, and players are now freely able initiate transfers from either world-to-world or region-to-region through use of a Character Transfer token. Charact...

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18 Apr

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers!

As promised, the titles for participating in the War and OPR PTR events earlier this year have been awarded as of today. If you participated in either the PTR War event on January 26th, 2023 or ...

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17 Apr

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the questions all, closing this thread now!

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

In episode 23 of Forged in Aeternum host Rob Chestney (Narrative Director) is joined by Jean-Edouard Miclot (Audio Director), Aaron de Orive (Lore Master), and Divya Dias (Narrative Designer) to talk about the language and dialects of New world.

Where do these languages come from? Jean-Edouard takes us through finding software to construct a full language complete with grammar, definitions, and translations. Aaron illustrates the importance of pronunciation. You’ll also learn how the team matches the language with the character and how it evolves with their backstory and lore.

... Read more

14 Apr

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings! It’s that time again and we’re here with another opportunity to submit questions for Forged in Aeternum!

Let’s go wild with your questions for this month’s Community Q&A. And if you’ve got something that’s more in line with Balance of Power, please make a note of it in your comment. As with last month, we will be releasing Balance of Power two days after the Q&A!

Questions are open all weekend. We will stop collecting on Monday, April 17 at 12 PM PT across Reddit, the forums, YouTube, and Discord.

Same standards as usual:

Request #1: Please be succinct.

Request #2: Please do not make personal insults against the devs.

Thanks everyone!

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

I made sure the team’s seen this, thanks!

12 Apr

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

There’s no new information on merges, sadly. I’ll be sure to post it the moment there is. :+1:

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you’re a Discord user you should check out our new server. We’ve got both LFG and company recruiting channels in there, server specific Discord lists and helpful people that could point you in the right direction.

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    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers!

The PTR will be down starting 2023-04-13T17:00:00Z and will be unavailable for approximately 90 minutes. This update will bring the PTR in line with the live game.

Thank you for your patience.

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings, Adventurers!

The plague of rabbits has returned once again, only now, they are more perilous than ever! Watch out for explosions as you hunt for event-specific loot from April 12 to April 25. Thanks to player feedback from last year, each rare drop is now guaranteed after slaying a certain number of corrupted rabbits. They can drop Diamond Gypsum, Defiled Rabbit’s feet (increases luck), a Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare, and a new Corrupted Rabbit Mask.

Check out the full reward breakdown below and then see how the Syndicate reacts to these fury little killers.

image1920×1080 212 KB

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    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a known issue with no current ETA on a fix. Once we have an update we’ll post it in the forums, thanks!