Yup I replied to another thread about it a week or two ago. It’s being worked on but I don’t have an ETA at the moment. Once they’re ready I’ll post a forum announcement!
Yup I replied to another thread about it a week or two ago. It’s being worked on but I don’t have an ETA at the moment. Once they’re ready I’ll post a forum announcement!
Greetings Adventurers,
We will be holding downtime 2023-04-12T06:00:00Z in your local timezone. Downtime is slated to last approximately 1 hour (~60 minutes).
Please find the release notes here: New World Update 1.9.1
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Hola, aventureros:
Vamos a desconectar nuestros servidores para un mantenimiento el 2023-04-12T06:00:00Z. Esperamos un tiempo de desconexión de aproximadamente 60 minutos.
Aquí podéis encontrar las notas de esta versión: New World Update 1.9.1
¡Gracias por vuestra paciencia y comprensión!
Greetings Adventurers,
Please be advised that the Season 1 end date is now scheduled for July 6th. With the update releasing slightly after intended, we’ve extended the window to ensure all adventurers have the time they need to earn and claim their Season 1 rewards.
See you in Aeternum!
Saludos, aventureros:
El final de la temporada 1 se ha cambiado al 6 de julio. Ya que la actualización se lanzó un poco más tarde de lo esperado, hemos alargado la duración de la temporada para que todos tengáis tiempo para ganar y reclamar vuestras recompensas de la temporada 1.
¡Nos vemos en Aetérnum!
Same as here:
Read moreIf there is any new information to share we’ll share it in the forums. Unfortunately, as of this moment we don’t have any new answers to this question.
Back with an update! The team will be restarting Abaton shortly. The server will be offline for approximately 20 minutes before becoming playable again. Thanks for your patience!
In episode 22 of Forged in Aeternum host David Verfaillie (Creative Director) is joined by Patrick Smedley (Lead Seasons Designer) and Katy Kaszynski (Live Lead / Senior Producer) to discuss Season 1 PTR Changes.
The Public Test Realm (PTR) helps us work with the community to improve new content before it goes live. Season 1 Fellowship & Fire brings a few changes based on feedback from our players in the PTR! You’ll see more diverse backstories, increased passive Season XP, a new way to gain Season XP, bug fixes, life improvements and more!
I’ve passed this on to the team and it’s being looked into. Thank you for the ping.
The team is investigating the issue. We will provide an update once we have information to share. Thanks for your continued patience.
Greeting Adventurers,
We are holding downtime on April 6th, 2023 at 2023-04-06T08:00:00Z for 60 minutes to address an issue that caused Territory Buffs to apply multiple times. All tiers of foods with the following buffs will remain disabled after downtime:
We will provide further updates about these foods being reenabled as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Work to restore missing gear has concluded and all impacted players should be able to log back into their accounts within the next 30 minutes.
Please remember that your restored gear may be located in more than one storage location, depending on how full your storage already was. You might need to look in multiple storage locations for all of your restored gear.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
Appreciate the feedback, thank you! We will share with the team.
Hi all, here’s the latest update. Gear restoration is underway, stay tuned:
Read moreGreetings,
the gear restoration process is under way. Please see this thread for more information:
Greetings Adventurers,
Our team has started the process of restoring gear to players who were affected by a bug that resulted in some players losing equipped items. There will be no downtime required however, impacted characters will be temporarily locked out of their account while this work is completed.
Once completed:
Read more
- Impacted players will be able to log back in.
- Bags you had equipped will be in your inventory.
- Restored gear will be located in town storage. Depending on how f...
The bug causing crafted items to have a lower gear score should be addressed after the update at 5am PT this morning:
Additionally, during this downtime we’ll also address the issue causing territory lifestyle buffs to not apply to characters, including all crafting and combat buffs.
No updates on compensation yet, we’ll pass on anything we hear on that topic as well.
Some foods that provide buffs are currently disabled. Be sure to check out that announcement ...
Read moreSaludos, aventureros:
Hemos descubierto un problema por el cual los potenciadores de territorio se pueden aplicar dos veces, lo que resulta en una puntuación de equipo mayor de lo debido en objetos fabricados.
La mejor forma, y la más segura, de mitigar este problema, con un impacto mínimo en los jugadores, es desactivar todas las clases de viandas con los siguientes potenciadores:
Nuestro equipo está trabajando en una solución. En cuanto tengamos noticias al respecto, os lo haremos saber por aquí.
Gracias por vuestra paciencia y comprensión.
It’s in the works! Unfortunately don’t have a date for you yet but it’s still on our radar.