

19 Sep


Originally posted by Fu453

This is great to see you having a full discussion with us, it reminds me of the beginning of the game where you guys were everywhere. You should so it more often, when you can anyway.

I mean I definitely do try. I'm as active as I can be if you take a look at my post history.

Sometimes people don't like that I can't have an answer for everything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Originally posted by LowIQInDungeon

Jesus the Outlaw?

Oh you're on PC. Dude the Outlaw on console made me want to end my life. Had to use it to get Dark Matter and it almost made me quit, here on the peasant station 4.

I really enjoy the Outlaw. Here's an older clip. Here's a fun shutdown of an enemy Scythe with my normal Paladin class.


Originally posted by LowIQInDungeon

That's your primary class? The one you run around with? I can't quickscope at all lmao.

When I'm running solo, yep. When I'm not, Outlaw + Salvo. I'd wager that it's just easier to excel with a SR on PC.


Originally posted by LowIQInDungeon

No, I totally understand. Just discussing.

And I have to really disagree with you here man. You don't even spawn with enough rockets to destroy them, and they take a very long time to individually load and lock on. I've been playing COD since like, COD 4 and any game with a locking Rocket Launcher, like BO2, BO3, etc. I've exclusively used that launcher in pretty much every class. But in BO4 the Salvo is literally only good against certain equipment and UAVs/CUAVs, and I run Ghost anyway... So why even use the Salvo?

I just don't understand why you would waste a point shooting down a Sniper's nest/Chopper/Whatever in the 3 or 4 lives you're going to spend locking on and dying over and over. The only way to remedy that is with Cold Blooded, which means you're sacrificing either Gung Ho or Dexterity, which wrecks your gunfighting ability in difficult lobbies, and you're also spending multiple points just on lethal killstreaks. Yikes.

Overall I just highly doub...

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I too have played every COD title which included a lock-on launcher and primarily do run around with a Salvo. If you want to call my primary class memey, then feel free. :P

I see your points regarding not wanting to yield various perks for your own personal style and, well, that's where we'll always disagree. It can be part of an effective kit. It'll not stop you from getting absolutely rolled though. (Which just happened to me.)


Originally posted by LowIQInDungeon

I really don't understand why the Hellion Salvo is completely worthless and incapable of killing anything lethal without dying multiple times, but lethals are completely destroyed by swapping out to guns with a special attachment. It would be so much less obtuse if the rocket launcher actually did something.

Obviously I'm not responsible for balancing in the game and the following is my opinion.

I disagree that it's worthless. With the right class, you can use it primarily for anti-streaks. Anti-players too I suppose.


FMJ II Paladin will change your life.


Originally posted by The0dark0one

Due diligence here to note that I replied to a different thread concerning this player. Case is already closed on them too.


Originally posted by DredPirate13

Will do. Another question for you ... I usually play solo, how do I combat the lag when going against a large group as it seems everytime that they have a clear connection advantage no matter how low my ping is?

Latency is a spicy subject as it's hard to really help you manage this. We have this article that gives basic pointers for getting the best connection possible. Make sure you're also running your monitor/TV at an appropriate mode (game) and so forth.

18 Sep


Originally posted by TarkovTrading

Name is DaddyLovesU /u/TreyarchPC /u/FoxhoundFPS

Thank you for the tag. Will send to our team for investigation.


Originally posted by Mdawg008

Looks like it was actually an Xbox issue thats resolved now, but coincidentally started right after the update. But while i have your attention there’s another rare bug that is replicatable. For some reason if you select Danny Trejo, then back out to the main menu or re open your app, it always resets you back to the default blackout characters.

I'll let the team know about the Trejo character. Thanks!


Originally posted by coffeebeanboy

Do team killers in blackout get banned?

Send them my way.


Originally posted by LackingAGoodName

Thanks for tagging, dude.

This is an interesting issue. Let me pass it to the general team.


Originally posted by missing_trigger

Yep, some items still dissapear and my zombies diamond camo on rampage still blocked /u/FoxhoundFPS

We noted that the ZM Diamond Camo will be fixed in a future update.

I don't have an update on the Charm / Death Effects.


Originally posted by DredPirate13

I didn't mean to come across as yelling at you guys or anything. I don't have any videos but I seem to be running into a few that I'll shoot at and get at least 2 or 3 shots on from behind and they will jump and turn 180 and land laser like shots right at my head and kill me before my last few bullets come out. There is no aim adjustment, just headshots with no recoil, the guns vary. I'm wired, ping is below 30 and everything.

If you can capture some footage of it, let me know.


Originally posted by iDeSTRuCTiiioN

Im sorry I didnt mean to be rude, and I didnt include the part of conversation because I know it wont help . I just wanted to know if the guy is still going under investigation or he will just be ignored. I know your job is to forward it to the team and you did your job.

Thanks for recognizing that and it's all good. :)

17 Sep


Originally posted by iDeSTRuCTiiioN

I reported AZ_Iskander to you 5 days ago with a clip yet he still using his jitter mod in blackout, just encountered him today and hes laughing at me because I couldn't get him banned. Please get him banned.

I've already forwarded your video and it is still under review. Any external conversations you're having about "getting people banned" are not my responsibility and will not influence the investigation.


Does the reporting system work? Yes. We enforce via in-game reports often.

How many times did it take for somebody to be reported before they get looked at? Reports are investigated by our team and require time. As you can imagine, there are a lot of reports. I've shared elsewhere that the length of time is a fair criticism.

If you have video of the alleged cheating, shoot it my way and I can help lift it to the top.


Originally posted by steveyhyperdee

any chance of fixing the dark matter issue... where all gold/diamond guns don't unlock dark matter camos?

We spoke to this in the below section.

Zombies Gameplay Improvements

This update delivers new gameplay improvements for Zombies players, including an increased ammo count for the M16 and multiple fixes for Hellhound spawning logic and their visual FX. Note: Today’s update also introduces a known issue that will incorrectly display blood vials on Primis Richtofen’s in-game character model when playing "Alpha Omega", which is planned to be fi...

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16 Sep


Originally posted by ThunderStruck115

Thanks for the tag, Thunder.

I'm going to tag /u/ATVIAssist for additional support. - They're better equipped to help OP in this situation.