

13 May


Originally posted by HughGRextion

death chat is still broken on xbox in duos and solos, only works in quads, been that way since about november

Vonderhaar noted that this is something we're investigating. You can check out the note here.


Tagging us inside the body post doesn't actually tag us. Not sure if this is Reddit intended. I'll pass your thread along though. Thanks.

Edit: Best course of action is to tag in a follow-up comment.

09 May

07 May


Originally posted by Aaronreynolds96

Don't really mean you personally it's just the way treyarch is in general on here. There are many issues that need addressing and at least some sort of communication but the only activity is on posts of this nature.

I was personally active on TreyarchPC over the weekend and last week. Scronce, aka Mattks, was active over the weekend and last week also. Treyarch_Official has operated today. - Perhaps it's perceived this way as you see my tag often engaging on content that bubbles to the top such as art or gameplay?


Originally posted by Aaronreynolds96

Why do you guys only reply to stuff like this and never actually address any issues?

I've shared before that I don't often have the authority to speak to some topics. I understand that there are questions and concerns that players would like to share and I'm happy to pass those along, but that's the extent of what I can do.

I'm mostly responsible for posting to our social channels and have been for years. Tox is a moderator for /r/BlackOps3 and someone who has helped pass a number of bugs along, so I took the opportunity to congratulate a cool video. Sorry if I don't meet your expectations.

06 May


Look at my boy Tox!


Originally posted by sk8er02


Your in-game name is Pro Sniperzz HD. You got some good snipes. In-game name checks out.

30 Apr


Originally posted by NightHawk364

/u/FoxhoundFPS Could you pass this along? Platform is PS4, his username is ICHEAT_TO_WIN_YT.

Sure thing.


Originally posted by Redfern23

Same, can’t use it on any weapon, nice.

u/ATVIassist u/FoxhoundFPS

Appreciate it. Sending to team.


Originally posted by ShadowElite117

He is 100% cheating, his battlenet tag is GiantDwarf#133104 u/FoxhoundFPS this guy is level 21 prestige 1 on Blackout, Treyarch should ban him ASAP.

I'll pass it along to our team for investigation. Thank you.


Originally posted by CJ_The_Grea

Press F To Pay Respects


29 Apr


Originally posted by Redfern23

Thanks, just took a quick screenshot from the stream on my phone.

NP! Thank you for taking the time to share and post for our community.


OP image is a bit blurry. Here's a higher resolution version.

Also the vertical, long boi image from our blog.

27 Apr


Originally posted by Nathanw425

u/FoxhoundFPS Here you go boss.

Thank you. Received reports of this user on Twitter and Reddit in the last 24H. Safe to say they have been passed onto our enforcement teams.

24 Apr


Originally posted by worldsbiggestass

There are a ton that I only know when I see but off the top of my head, Jedi and Freebo are blackout players on PC who are regularly hacking themselves, or are admittedly purposefully queueing with other hackers for an advantage.

Edit: While less frequent, I've also seen others in match chat complain that Freebo team killed them, and I have also been a victim of team killing by him at least twice

I just saw your edit. Report them in-game and send them to me. If you don't/can't send to me, then a human will eventually see the report. If you do/can send to me, then I'll help get it closer to the top as noted previously.


Originally posted by worldsbiggestass

There are a ton that I only know when I see but off the top of my head, Jedi and Freebo are blackout players on PC who are regularly hacking themselves, or are admittedly purposefully queueing with other hackers for an advantage.

Edit: While less frequent, I've also seen others in match chat complain that Freebo team killed them, and I have also been a victim of team killing by him at least twice

I appreciate your response. If at any point you encounter someone cheating/hacking, record it and send it my way via DM to this account or /u/TreyarchPC.


Originally posted by worldsbiggestass

Yea I'm sorry but nobody believes you on this one lol. Same hackers and team killers playing months later after multiple reports. Everyone knows nothing actually happens to anyone.

Send me your repeat offenders. I would be interested to see the names and also happy to get them to the top of the pile a bit faster.


Originally posted by damodio24

Yes, not the speediest but you shouldn't run into any issues. If I'm not mistaken that NAT type "2" corresponds to "moderate" and you generally want "open" for gaming but I doubt you'll have a problem with it

Type 2 can actually be okay. I am currently Type 2 and open on my home PS4. Information per Test Internet Connection below.

How your PS4™ system is connected to the Internet

This information can be used to judge the ease or difficulty of connecting to other PS4™ systems, such as when using communication features of games.

Type 1: The system is connected directly to the Internet.

Type 2: The system is connected to the Internet with a router.

Type 3: The system is connected to the Internet with a router.

With Type 3, communication with other PS4™ sys...

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