@bobbyBS_ It's just you.
@panda_casts Nope. We stopped whitelisting a long time ago. It's now down to the phone companies.
@The_Grif_ @BrawlEsports The whole idea is that you analyse the other team and their weak spots. In CS there might also be map bans to "take away" those comfort picks.
This isn't meaningful against randoms and I doubt the effect (if any) would justify ~30 seconds more prep phase.
@AdrianHaggqvist @BrawlEsports @Dani_Supercell Good question Adrian. Don't allow map bans? 😅😂
@AugeBrawlstars @BrawlEsports Nope, but occasionally Valorant. Churned from CS esports a long time ago.
@panda_casts @BrawlEsports I forgive you. 😂
@NinorsY @BrawlEsports In CS it isn't luck but seed based, the higher seeded team has first pick.
@panda_casts @BrawlEsports CS tournaments were run like this for 23 years now. 😅
I wonder if a tournament structure could work for @brawlesports, where teams also pick modes/maps like in Counter Strike.
Having a real "home turf" and being able to exploit other teams weak maps/modes would add another interesting layer of strategy. 🧐
UPDATE: iOS also released into the wild. It'll show up in you App Store within a few hours. 🤝
@swagmangenuine Depends on the time of the day.
@ArtemyLavrov This isn't a bug.
@twentytrunks We'll evaluate this over time as we see how player beahvior turns out. One major advantage of the new timing is that players with slower devices and worse connections are there in time for the Battle Start.
@MegaOyuncu_TR Which bug?
@daniil7891 @Llubi_ No ETA.
@MAURICI91342034 @Kuzan_off Original: me. Fix: also me.
Note: 1I won't fire myself. Deal with it. 🤣
@Llubi_ Known issue.
@sleepysandy_bs No titles changed, yet. It'll happen a little bit later.
@Austin18McLaren Because of the bug! Plan is to bring them back once we've addressed this. We didn't take Basket Brawl into consideration when re-introducing them. Oops! 😅
@Yoshiibs_ From the picture above: "Fixed visual issues in the Shop and in the Battle Start Screen"