@P1nkLik3FlaMnG0 Ha! We've discussed something like this a few times. Would be pretty cool!
@Ansh_Unleashed Competing against an "invisible" score is just meh. Nothing we'd consider. It would just makes things more luck based - beyond the timing of things.
@ShadeBrawlStars Pretty good actually. Just hit 2,000 Trophies with the first 3 Brawlers at 500 (Shelly, Barley, Colt).
I forgot how much of a carry Colt can be. Really fun.
@Inju5tic @HalitEfeNDER2 You are entirely missing my point.
@asapbolt_ The problem is more the general timing than anything. At least on higher ranks nobody seems to burn them on day 1. 😉
@impostor_yt A few of us read Reddit daily. 😉
@HalitEfeNDER2 @Inju5tic I am disagreeing with people competing, fully knowing the current rules, and then whining when other people who play by the same rules win, just because they weren't willing to do the same.
I do however agree on your sentiment and it's something we should address.
@ParekhEbrahim Current levels of participation are stable. 🤷♂️ I do see a risk of burn out in highly competitive clubs, though. We'll keep an eye on that.
I feel it has been pretty competitive for a few weeks now and seeing how the Club is into it, it seems like they feel the same way at least.
@LegendXBS Yeah. I don't like it at all and think it's pretty lame to compete without knowing the score. 😂
@SBravlery It's a permanent feature.
@RealCanadian_BS Doesn't address the timing issue. Clubs playing last minute would still have the advantage.
@TBEHasaki1 Unfortunately doesn't address the timing issue.
@Radwuan_79 They won't come back.
@Humam2130 Strongly disagree with this. Competing against others without knowing the current score of the game is pretty lame. 😂
Using Golden Tickets would be almost down to pure luck.
@TacticoXD No. I'm afraid not.
@RickyMeloPT It wouldn't address the issue which mainly comes from time zones.
@Inju5tic If you want to win within an existing set of rules and you don't use it to your advantage, your strategy is inferior or you need to get better organized.
However, the set of rules might need improvement.
Not the same.
@Loki67634526 4 Golden Tickets per Week
@xNaruto_BS I disagree with your assessment and don't see how Golden Tickets are alleviating the issue.
Beyond that, the tie-breaker never considers regular player trophies, so I'm not sure what you are on about. 😅
@nandhdhbsnan ?