@BenjaminFranz14 @supercell It's normal to have fewer updates eventually because not at much development for core functionality is required anymore. Doesn't mean that there's less content.
The rest depends on how players react to that content and if it's financially viable to continue.
@Risinginvader1 @supercell We discuss this on and off. There's a ton of drawbacks with VoiP solutions - toxicity specifically.
@TBEHasaki1 @supercell 1. To have a fantastic 2022! 2. That happens quite often actually. We don't always agree. If our perspectives would be too different to overcome, I'd likely move on. 3. Lack of diversity. The industry moves forward, slowly. 4. Stand-up mentality. Anything can be learned.
@Noemi_B_C @supercell How does in ~30 minutes sound? 😅
@CelestialBs @supercell Could be a nice Quality of Life feature. No concrete plan to introduce them to Brawl at this point but I could see this happening.
@Abol170 @supercell I doubt it. Licensing is complicated and Disney/Marvel already collaborate with a bunch of other games.
@Gonrok_bs @supercell Gene!
@Mihoiul @supercell When I started we were about 150 people, now we're more than 300. The Brawl Stars team was ~15 people during the soft launch and now we're about ~30 people plus marketing.
@quaverbs @supercell I'm 1.85. @Dani_Supercell is shorter. Possibly! We'll see once we decide to make it permanent!
@Risinginvader1 @supercell I was anxious if I made the right decision to leave my beloved @Blizzard_Ent. I never looked back, though.
@Venu92247317 @supercell The Club shop will allow you to purchase multiple items in the future. We simply didn't have time to implement this properly. 👊
@El3ctrOW @supercell What's too many?
We currently don't have a plan to release a Brawl Pass without a new Chromatic Brawler.
@KAJUS77028601 @supercell The moment I feel I am more passionate about something else.
@MXUV18 @supercell ✅ Bibi! We weren't convinced about the design at all at first ... ✅ It was an exciting moment for the team, really good feeling. But everyone knew it was only the start. ✅ Deadpool or Guardians of the Galaxy
@Motorista_BS @supercell No clue! What should I do?
@LindskogTeo @supercell It's complicated, because none of my days is identical. They vary a lot. My role is focused around people, the game/product, game design, community work, etc.
@heigopoom @supercell Believe it or not - I still didn't make it to Talinn!
@BsFlawless @supercell Present Plunder? I'm pretty sure it will! Tilting maps? At least not the way we've implemented it the first time. People literally got nausea playing Brawl ... 😅
@itsMeJM_GG @supercell Duels are special. Friendly rooms have a different UI layout and the necessary layout for Duels is currently unsupported. We wouldn't go through the effort of making that happen if it doesn't become permanent, since that means less dev time for other things.
@MCSilver15 @supercell Performance fix should happen this coming week!
We've tried SD+ as a solution, which only partially worked. The current alternative is Duels which remove that component entirely while still allowing you to push Brawlers.