Gem Exchange
Crystal Arcade
Double Swoosh
Hard Rock Mine
Minecart Madness
Chill Space
Deep Diner
Acute Angle (inactive)
Undermine (inactive)
Cross Cut (inactive)
Let's try something new. I'd be curious to see how to better involve the (competitive) community in shaping the landscape for #maps. Only people I follow can respond, mainly pro players, coaches, content creators and casters. 😉
Let's start with #GemGrab.
#brawlstars #esports
@ChronoPierce_ That's the content I'm here for!
@yashar Besides: it's overcooked.
@yashar This is just impractical to eat. All looks. Meh.
@YangCLiu How on earth are you pulling this off... 😂
@Lazuli177 Me too, me too.
@reddysetgoooo @TheHandiCat It is indeed. Invented in Scotland.
@TheHandiCat Just force them to deep fry a Mars Bar. 😂
@BrawlStars_MMA @PedroGuijarro_ @GuilleVGX 👊👏🥳
@TheHandiCat You forgot something...