@PedroGuijarro_ @BrawlStars_MMA @GuilleVGX Maybe we can organize a cage fight at worlds?! My money is on @BrawlStars_MMA though. Sorry. 😂
@justmaraxo Seriously? In Germany? 😑
I'm so not used to seeing this behavior anymore, since it's pretty much non-existent in Finland. In France it was much more common than in Germany in the early 2000's. Sorry to hear what you ladies have to cope with.
@SKGaming @ariibeertran_ @CallMeOszi @iristhelost @paulabrawl @Sunnyenough Awesome! 🥳
@Wei2Yue @Noemi_B_C 🥰
@yuna__yt @disneyplus I've never used Netflix for movies. Series' only. Watching surprisingly little Netflix recently - mostly waiting for things I really enjoy.
@cmc_r3vilo Yeah, anything else would surprise me.
@cmc_r3vilo I'm actually watching without the chat... it makes so little sense and adds very little (i.e. nothing) in these (VCT) matches. 😑
@SiddhanthRoyal @disneyplus I'm likely around the same. Knowing comics is quite a big range. 😅
Did I read a bunch? Yes. But fat from everything. 😉
@8ofNine143 @disneyplus @B143Derek Who wouldn't! 😂
@Theb7xx_bs @disneyplus I liked it a lot. Still missing the last episode, but it was a nice cultural insight and I really liked the production values.
Would love to see more of it.
@luigifsf @AshClashYT Poco has no stopping power and can't deal with Gale & Friends. 😉
@AshClashYT Surge (4$), Bull (2$), Buzz (2$)
Aggressive comp, nothing for overtime but: some serious dps, wallbreak, survivability and tooling.
@dodiskins @disneyplus One can dream! 😌
@Role_BS @BrawlKc @IDarkJoker_bs 😂
I'm really happy with our @disneyplus subscription. Constant flow of good content. Don't LOVE every show, but definitely more hit than miss. 🥰
#marvel #IAmGroot
A hero of few words returns. 🌱 #IAmGroot, a collection of five Original shorts, starts streaming August 10 on @DisneyPlus. https://t.co/byL1nVD8bV
@Role_BS @BrawlKc That might still be detrimental. Win-trading and addressing grief play aren't identical issues. We'll see. One step after another.
@Role_BS @BrawlKc How are these items connected?
@PK_BrawlStars @27TvRolo We're not closing our eyes when we come along stuff like this first hand. The challenge is scaling it and creating tools for our teams to verify offenses easily and take action, supported by code. 👊
@imfernol @27TvRolo We want to create something that scales a bit better than us individually judging people when we come along then. So, we're working on something but it'll be a while.
@ImBleEs @27TvRolo I'm not a CM. But I'm sure you're get your other facts straight. 🙄