

16 Sep


This is not true, at all, when we are playing we don't ban people live (as a player).

What DID happen, because of Reddit hearsay as what happened recently, I will clarify, players were warned for being toxic in chat and that is it, no ban was applied. Later, players were chat banned because of language used in other battles. And they connected the two and said that is what happened.

If players get chat banned it is typically for offenses said in the past and the bans are applied when we review chat logs or if a player gets enough reports from other players.

If you see me in battle and are being toxic (and many of you have seen me do this), I will actually remind the player of the rules because I don't want to see someone get chat banned over saying something inappropriate.



¡Los invitamos a ver los mejores episodios de la serie "Leyendas Navales" y a disfrutar de alguno regalos durante el proceso! Leer en el portal

15 Sep


Was literally writing this out when I saw your reply!




Yes we keep chat logs.

The reason they need the replays is so they can find a specific line or word that you might be talking about.

Remember that a person has to dig to find this stuff and they are literally digging through hundreds of thousands of battles worth of chat logs, so just mentioning a player and event isn't necessarily enough.



Not trying to be a stickler KilljoyCutter, but EVERY game that has mission chains and multiple game modes will and do have this in game.

And though I understand why some might not want to play Randoms, I have to say that with everything in World of Warships, what game mode, what ships you play, what you purchase, what you do are all choices in game.

That being said, I DO NOT have a problem with people voicing those concerns and I will ALWAYS send the feedback up.

However, and this isn't directed at you. Toxicity towards someone CHOICE, will not be tolerated.



Players are allowed to voice their concerns if they like. Just because someone chooses to play a different game mode, it does NOT make them entitled to voice that concern.

The thing is here, as I have said in the past. We have specifically stated that we are adding PvE to as many missions campaigns etc as we can. But I also said there are going to be instances that it is NOT included. Case in point all the missions that have Asymm battles attached as an option, we wanted specifically to lure as many people as we can into those game modes to gather the data.

This was the same way for submarine battles, we had missions that were specific to them, to try to gather as many as we could for the data.

At the end of the day if we deem that the rewards are such that they must pose a challenge, there may be chances that we don't add PvE to the options. As for making the requirements for PvE higher as a compensation. We have also stated...

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A new Ranked Battles Season for Tier X ships. Read the details in our article!

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Uma nova Temporada de Batalhas Classificatórias para navios Nível X. Leia os detalhes no nosso artigo!

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Una nueva Temporada de las Batallas por Rango para barcos de Nivel X. ¡Lean los detalles en nuestro artículo!

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14 Sep


ALL ships detection from air, yes, between 40%-60%.

Please see Devblog 63.

This being said to everyone, I would say this topic has run it's course.



Thanks to whoever tagged me.

I need more information before I focus on what is being said.

Are we talking about the KotS missions?

If so, KotS is a PvP competition and the rewards from completing the KotS collection are pretty good. This is why the focus of the one set of missions was around PvP. Which only one collection set would be missing if you are PvE only. Though we have tried to add PvE to as many missions as we can, it won't be an option for all our missions as some of the rewards are going to warrant a bit more work.

That being said, some of our missions are going to be focused on one game mode, like the Asymmetric missions that drop you the gift containers. Often these missions are to drive participation.




I am getting reports that the forums are moving SUPER slow for some.

I myself am having this issue on my desktop. Already doing some digging.




I'll take a look at this, this is a new one for me.




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Dê uma olhada no cruzador americano Nível VIII de um ângulo incomum! Leia no portal


Take a look at the American Tier VIII cruiser from an unusual angle! Read it on the portal


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12 Sep


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