

02 Sep


Originally posted by El3ment0

[Bug] I can't see the Solar Flare wrap on SL-C for Scorch

We're aware of this issue and hoping to get it fixed soon!


Originally posted by HealthPoison


Sound is super low, muffled and almost impossible to hear in certain situations.

Was this in Icarus map or are you seeing it in other places?

29 Aug


Originally posted by PraiseThePun81

LiterOCola. Do I detect a Supertroopers fan? Man of culture right there.


20 Aug


Soon! We try to not give specific time lines for features because anything can happen but I feel comfortable saying Surrender feature will be in soon.


Originally posted by a00g

Hello, I am having the same issues even after the sever stability updates and haven't been able to play for like 1hr or so now

We did have some server issues yesterday as well but they should be cleared up today. I'll search around and see if we're seeing anything similar to what we've seen in the past.


Originally posted by 311_never_happened

I seem to be experiencing the same issue a lot of people are - I purchased the Ultimate Founder's Pack on Switch but I am unable to claim any of my rewards. I've restarted the game several times with no luck. Any suggestions?

We were able to get the more widespread issues solved but there may be individual issues. Reach out to HiRezRadar and he should be able to help out with the next steps.

18 Aug


Originally posted by RoKeOps

The emote and spray wheel is bugged. Doesn’t work right and it doesn’t open at the end of the match.

We're aware of this issue, we're working on it for a future update so you can all emote at the end of a match


Originally posted by HumanHeight

Thank you so much for responding, I really love the game and have been enjoying it so much. Being able to play with my friend on playstation has been so cool and if you guys end up adding crossplay like this for smite I know well play that as well together. I cant wait to see how this game evolves moving forward and I have been captivated by the gameplay so far. It's like you guys have all the best parts of the classic strategic shooters but with your own HiRez Magic to it. I love the characters so far and I will stick with you as the pieces build the puzzle.

Good news! Voice chat for Xbox should be fixed now!


Originally posted by absstephen1986

Game bugged out and then when I logged back in my profile had reset to level 1 and I've got all the rogues unlocked due to having founders pack and they've all been locked too?

Anyone else having this issue

This should be fixed now :)


Originally posted by Pompae


If you open the friend list on PS4, you can no longer close it and the game becomes unplayable as you cannot navigating anything else but the friend list.

We're actively investigating this one


Originally posted by HumanHeight


Voice chat is not working as intended. I think some people even just think nobody is speaking in game chat, but it just doesn't work most of the time. My game chat will only work every once in a while after unplugging my headset several times and then my game audio disappears while i can hear chat. I am on Xbox One and my friend I play with is on Playstation 4. He can sometimes hear people in game chat but we can almost never hear each other. I can hear game chat for a few seconds when I load in then its like the game is putting me in another voice channel or something where I can no longer hear anyone and they can no longer hear me. I have been managing to talk to him on facebook messenger calls just to communicate. i would really like to just see anyone acknowledge this as an issue as I'm not sure if this is even being worked on.

Edit: the voice chat issue has been fixed and game chat is working fine!

We're aware with some voice chat issues on Xbox and are actively looking into it


Originally posted by J_dunkle420

[Bug] Unable to exit out of the friends list/social tab, once I go to it I just get stuck and have to restart the game. On Xbox.

We have this one logged and are actively working on a fix. It may be included in an upcoming hotfix.


Originally posted by bruejays


Haven't been able to join a match for the last 15-20 mins. I'm on PS4.

It will say "Searching for game" for about 11-12 seconds, then display the "Joining Match" screen, then that screen disappears and its back to the main screen.

I've also seen it stuck on "Joining match" once or twice. Had to restart the game.

We did have some server stability issues yesterday but these should be resolved now.


Originally posted by Pilchhhhh

[Bug] I was playing as Phantom and the max level version of her pistol grants extra rounds in her magazine. However, I have played two games and both times her max leveled pistol still only has 7 rounds per magazine.

Can be seen in this clip: https://streamable.com/n8gqj5

EDIT: Another user says that the same problem occurs with Chaac’s pistol. Could this potentially be a problem across all rogues?

EDIT 2: After some more play time and responses from other users. It is a problem that occurs with all secondaries. One user noted that it works as intended until you purchase a primary weapon however I haven’t been able to test this yet.

EDIT 3: The devs are now aware of this bug and we have been told that a fix is on the way. Thanks to everyone who helped with this report!

Thanks for the report! It appears that all lvl 2 secondary upgrades may be affected by this issue. We have it logged and are working to get a fix that may be included in an upcoming hotfix.


Originally posted by SektricOnPC

I'm on Epic and i purchased the standard edition and after 48 hours still dont have rogues or cosmetics????!!!! please help

Please reach out to Radar with your in-game username. He should be able to help you out.

13 Aug


Originally posted by DJSLEEPEZ

I’m on Xbox. One game I saw on the left side of my screen a “unknown player name” with a mic as if they were talking. I switched to game chat and I don’t think he could hear me and I couldn’t make out anything he said, and I don’t think it was his mic. Only time I’ve ever heard anyone in game chat out of 30 hours player. I play with someone on pc who can hear people every game we’re in.

The "unknown player name" on the left side is a known issue, the other issue is something we haven't seen yet. We'll do some quick tests to see if we can figure something out.


Originally posted by MiniChedar

I have the same problem. Im not able to set a binding for voice chat for controller on PC. When scrolling down the bindings list it skips over the push to talk row.

I've tracked this so our QA team can look into it.

12 Aug


Originally posted by shabkny

I’m having the same issue, I purchased regular founders on PC and ultimate on PS4 and on PS4 i can’t access my characters or unlocks.

Do you have your accounts linked? I think if your PC is named the primary account then you're inventory will reflect PC. Try changing your PS4 to your primary account.


Originally posted by stolenshade

I bought the standard pack through the epic launcher store. It only gave me access to the starter items?

See if you can reach out to Radar about this one. Most of the founder pack issues should be resolved, we're cleaning up any additional ones on a per issue basis.


Originally posted by heebeejeebee457

Probably stupid question but I feel like sometimes when my C4 is lying there and I try and activate it, it only takes one click. But other times my guy takes out a detonator and then I have to use the detanator to activate. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Sounds like it could be a bug, it should be a consistent experience. My understanding is that after you throw it you'll have the detonator equipped. Switching to a weapon will un-equip the detonator, later if you detonate it, you should see your character switch over to the detonator for a second to detonate.