Just knowing your timezone works fine enough. I’ll take a look at this log and pass the info along.
Just knowing your timezone works fine enough. I’ll take a look at this log and pass the info along.
We’re investigating this and issues similar to this on our end.
I’ll take a look into this, thanks for the additional info.
We have a potential lead on this internally, thanks for the report.
All this information is much appreciated, I’m working on gathering as much data as I can on this issue from this thread and others.
If you have a log from this occurring, could you post it? Also knowing what your region is along with the regions of the people you’re playing with could be helpful.
What region are you in? Have you had any success getting in on other characters?
We’re currently looking into issues concerning this.
You could potentially try hitting “Leave Game” after entering the game for the first time and then attempting the Dungeon again instead of fully closing out of the game.
Are you playing Solo Online or with a Party?
Could you post your Player.Log file from a session where this occurred?
Are there other Monolith Quests that you can enter that do work? Do normal Monolith zones work?
Could you try verifying your game files through steam? There’s a chance that will resolve the issue.
Are you noticing this happening during normal gameplay or is it only after you log out of the game and then return?
We’re tracking this issue internally, thanks for the report.
We have a potential fix for this internally.
This is an issue that we’re tracking internally. This is actually two separate Warpath issues present here, the first being that Warpath can constantly channel itself after a short press of the key Warpath is bound to. The second issue here is that your character can sometimes get stuck in Warpath’s channel animation but not actually be casting it. Using any other skill should break you out of these states.
Gotcha, thanks for the additional info.
This is an issue we’re tracking internally but good to know it seems to be in more places than previously thought. Thanks for the report.
This is a known issue that we’re tracking internally, thanks for the report.
We’re aware of this issue and are hoping to have a fix out for it soon.