Thanks for all the additional information. Relaying it to our team so they can look into it.
Thanks for all the additional information. Relaying it to our team so they can look into it.
Hey @sirvink
Could you elaborate a bit on this particular issue?
Thanks in advance.
Hey @Sundown
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’ll poke our #spellchekker team dans les yeux so they can correct these typos.
Hey @jot29
Following the rabbithole from a PC thread.
Thanks for the observation, we’ve sent it to our team so it can be looked into.
Hey @sirvink
We’ll send a suggestion to our team to limit the range of RNG during leveling.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey @CodeMage
There’s some slight changes between the saddles but they’re not overwhelmingly different. Some offer some slight boosts to some stats while others boost other stats.
That being said, we’ll send this report to our team so they can give it a look to see if there is anything that’s blocking those differences.
Thanks for the feedback.
It has been confirmed as an issue and our team is looking into it.
Some modders have come forward and shared some specific details about this particular problem which our team will use to speed up the release of a fix, but as of this moment there is no ETA we can share.
Apologies for the frustration.
Hey there,
We’re aware of this issue as it was reported shortly after the patch released by another player. Our team is looking into it. We’d also recommend verifying your game folders are read only to avoid other possible issues in the future.
Thanks for the feedback.
We have no estimate at the moment other than as soon as possible. We’re doing all that is in our hand to make this hotfix hit early next week but this could be affected by factors out of our control.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Hey @Arsen
Apologies for the late response.
We’ve relayed this information to our team so they can look into it.
Thanks for your feedback.
We’ve poked our team about this.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey @MasterJpe
Welcome to our community.
Would it be possible to try to plug in a different keyboard just to discard any possible hardware interference?
Welcome to our community.
We’ve sent note to our team about this.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey @Lifsteinn
We’ll send this report to our team so they can look into it.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey @AdmiralJT
Welcome to our community and apologies for the frustration.
We’ve sent note to our team so they can look into this issue.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey @Candle
Thanks for the observation, it’s been sent to our devs so they can give it a look.
Hey there,
We’ve opened a feedback thread about the new movement system. Please share your feedback in there.
Hey @Wak4863
Thanks for the thorough report. It’s been relayed to our team.
Hey @Toad
Thanks for the feedback. It’s been relayed to our team for their consideration.