

25 May


Originally posted by StrangeShaman

All of my characters are monsters. And they have Foppish to go with it. I wish I could clone my Horde/BR character because he makes me laugh every time i look at him

you can, c:/users/you/appdata/local/mordhau/saved/windowsclient and find game.ini, this is your lodaouts

take the face customization from "default character" (BR/Horde) and copy it to a normal loadout
face customization should have move/rotate/scale info, just look around, and make a backup too

23 May


Originally posted by FunnyName51

Have the Devs said anything about this? I’ve heard theyre active around here

we're opening up some routes and rebalancing taiga spawns


Originally posted by Herba_Inutilis

Is there a way to join?

this one is invite-only, alpha players etc

afaik Venatus will be doing open tournaments soon!


Originally posted by wszlOfficial

Lord Chungus

that's mine i named him


Originally posted by DatSleepyBoi

Can they only play presets?

Very few restrictions in place, custom classes allowed.

22 May


Originally posted by Aizer3115

how did you join a tournament? I saw no advertisement for it :(

This one is invite only, top EU teams from the alpha etc. Giru and bob's teams, etc


Going to lock this - no witch hunts.
Next time DM a moderator on the discord or forums please - but this is super blatant, we'll deal with him.

20 May


Going to lock this, no witchhunts. These people will get what's coming to them, don't worry.


Originally posted by Jaaxxxxon

try the waraxe with the asymmetrical head, i believe it's based on a varangian grave find


Originally posted by YungLordFarquaad

Just purchased this game a few days ago and I've been loving it. Im ethnically Greek,so Medieval history to me revolves around the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) empire. Here is my attempt to create a Varangian Guardsman, the Viking bodyguard of the Roman Emperors.

try the waraxe with the asymmetrical head, i believe it's based on a varangian grave find

18 May


Originally posted by Oberst_Schulz

Careful there. I was instant permabanned from tarkov sub for mod summoning some sub mods are cunts.

My job is to answer stuff why would I ban anyone over that lol


Delete mordhau appdata folder

16 May


We kinda made the goals up as we went tbh.

Mod tools and ranked is coming, but idk if we'll end up doing an expansion in the traditional sense, but we'll see.


you have to say hello to enemy archers as you're mid swing on their head


Accident, uses falchion tracers instead of cleaver. Hotfix soon™

15 May

12 May


Originally posted by GrumpyDim

What about a chat filter against all the racism that actually populate most of the servers chat? Haha

looking into it :)


Originally posted by spider4929

I have the issue. I'm from SEA (South-east Asia) and the ping jumps to 100-150 after a few minutes from joining a server.

We'll look into SEA!