

07 Jul


A few challenges on this front since our text doesn't 'scale' in a way that you might typically see in other games, but this is definitely a priority on our end. We're working on tackling this in another way, albeit will take a bit of extra time. You've basically seen some of these changes in features like the newer NPC chat (to make that text readable), we just need to find a way to logistically apply that to the rest of the game (there's a ton of UI in RS!). You should be seeing a trickle of these changes slowly within the coming months and we'll likely speed up those changes once we make sure everyone's comfortable with them.

Since it's also pretty critical to RS, we want to make this process a bit more interactive (i.e. looking at which screens we should work on first, etc.). Stay tuned for updates.

27 Mar


Originally posted by JagexHypnos

Coincidentally, we've actually added a couple of different bears in a completely different location just recently. In any case I'm sure ModShogun will be happy to thin out this heard as well.

Edit: On a side note, I thank you all very deeply for the puns/dad jokes.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm happy we're all environmentally conscious about this one.


Coincidentally, we've actually added a couple of different bears in a completely different location just recently. In any case I'm sure ModShogun will be happy to thin out this heard as well.

Edit: On a side note, I thank you all very deeply for the puns/dad jokes.

26 Mar


*[Remote] Fistbump*

25 Mar

24 Mar


Dude, this is so cool. Good job on the paint.

19 Mar


Originally posted by JakePhillips52

I currently have the game open and don’t want to close it because I don’t want to lose this feature. Honestly, I like it.

I’m learning to boss and just beat rush of blood platinum. For both situations the extra confirmation of exactly what I’m clicking on was helpful and made me a little faster.

For non-intensive things, I think it’s subtle/soft enough that it’s pleasant looking even if not beneficial. And the color coating gives a bit of direction for the things you’re clicking on, which I’m sure is helpful for newer players.

Once the toggle is added for those who don’t need/want it, and I think it’s a great addition. My only undecided area is for game tiles, like when hopping on the ice steps above. I don’t know if showing the square tile on objects that aren’t square themselves is helpful or if it looks like a bug. For example, if the surface of stepping stones were highlighted as they are actually shaped, maybe that would be better, but I’m sure that w...

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Hearing this quite a bit actually. Will definitely keep it under consideration.

And for the highlighting, you don't have to wait _too_ much longer. We've got a blog post coming out soon that details even more features that are coming alongside this one and we're looking to get it out soon after that. Stay tuned.


We just put out the fix for this, so for those of you who had it activated, it should be disabled once you restart the client.

See how excited we were about the feature? Just couldn't contain it. :P

So, since the cat's out of the bag, for those of you who got to play around with it, what do you think overall? Particularly for desktop, do you think it's useful? (and yes you'll be getting a toggle for it).

We conceived this initially for mobile to help with unlabelled interactions, but we thought it would be great to have for PC as well.

09 Dec


Originally posted by zenyl


That's a Jagex-level pun right there.

"Smoovement" was brought up in a meeting the other day. I think that one is my fav.

29 Nov


Originally posted by [deleted]

So are game ticks still going to be 0.6 for the foreseeable future? Because this 'modern' MMORPG feels like you're playing on a constant 240ms.

Not saying it to roast just that it's hard to play a game where PvMing might sometimes need you to see into the future rather than rely on reactions or personal skill. That, and it feels clunky and slow.

It's one of the main driving factors in why my friend told me he wouldn't be sticking with the game, because of too much 'input lag' from client to server, not knowing ticks were 0.6seconds.

Just wondering is all.

As Tony here mentioned it's definitely one of the things we're looking into, but it's a massive undertaking. It also carries with it a huge change, and so it's still up in the air at the moment.

20 Nov


Originally posted by King_Knoxy

Thank you! Loving the mobile version. I started a brand new ironman just to experience the game from scratch entirely on mobile.

There's so much feedback I would love to give. Both positive and constructive.

Right now my main challenge is questing. Two things that would greatly improve the experience...

Is there any way to add in NPC name plates? Finding the right npc by long pressing can get tedius.

Also, Have the dotted line path and highlighted area for all quests (it's super inconsistent as to what quests do and don't have this)

Really good feedback here. Stay tuned! :)

18 Nov


Originally posted by vishalb777

Hello /u/JagexHypnos, thank you for the update.

Not sure if you are the person to talk to about this, but currently there are no labels on the Lodestone Map, shown in the image below


Would it be possible to add the names of the cities somewhere on the map, or in the long-press menu for the new players who will be joining as well as those of us who have issues with memorization?

Thanks for the feedback. Real estate's a bummer there but we'll see what we can do.


Originally posted by RSBloodDiamond

Are there any plans to reinstate access for devices that meet all the specs and were working, but that without warning were declared "incompatible"?

This has happened A LOT during the beta, and I for one won't be returning to the game unless and until someone at least gives a straight answer to the question....

The straight answer is yes. The caveat is that I'm not sure whether or not your device fits into the short-term fix we have planned, or the long-term one. If it was working before then there's a higher chance that the short-term fix, which we're hoping to release soon, would address the issue. I'll send out a post when I have details on when we can deliver that.


Originally posted by Snooty_Cutie

Hey Mod Hypnos,

On the issue of incompatible devices, is there any plans to put out a list of devices which ARE compatible? Many players want to buy mobile devices in order to play, but are afraid to spend hundreds on a device that may not be compatible.

Thanks! :D

At the moment the limiter is based on the Android OS, so if the device had at least Android 7 or above when it was first purchased, you should be good to go, but I would say don't go out and buy a device for this just yet, because we're working on a short-term fix as well as a long-term solution that doesn't have a limiter at all. We're a ways off from that, but there's progress!


Originally posted by ivan_x3000

My memory is rough but i think RS mobile beta started around the end of last year. So a bit over a year in and the Android build of rs mobile is still not fully released. Will the development of the IOS version be significantly quicker than this like maybe 25% of the time or 50% of the time?

Believe it or not, they're actually being developed in parallel, which means once we're good to launch on Android, we'll also be good to launch on iOS. The reason why we can't get anyone into the build at the moment is a limitation with the iOS platform itself, but we're working on a solution. Stay tuned!


Originally posted by ookalooka999

Oh, nice! You're doing awesome so far! Btw any chance of some statistics video at end of the year or beginning of next, where you showcase popularity of mobile, desktop client, which regions have most players, which graphical settings most players play at, etc? I think it would be quite interesting.

Oh like an infographic! Yeah that’d be cool. Not sure if we can make one but I’ll poke around.


Originally posted by ookalooka999

TYVM for reply! I googled you and it seems you're quite new in Jagex? At least Twitter account was new. It is actually nice to see some formal behavior and feedback to players from a J-mod (and actually useful feedback). So far, you're killing it!

I've been here for a little while, but I've given myself some bandwidth recently to make a bit of noise. :)


Originally posted by ExtremeHunt

The feedback we receive is tremendously helpful for giving you guys the best experience possible before we go fully live.

What kind of further feedback is there to give while quite some devices are marked "incompatible" and thus unable to download and install RS mobile? This was already present in its early beta stage and still today in its early access stage. Isn't the point of developing a new app, game, website, w/e, to embrace any kind of feedback and not how the RS mobile team has been doing it, shutting peoples voices by not letting them download and install the app cause the team found the device "incompatible"?

Which in itself is actually good feedback! We're definitely in the mindset of getting this available to as many players as possible. I'm going to touch base on this in the near future as I think we have solid solution for it.


Originally posted by CommaGomma

Mod Hypnos has to be the best mod name right behind Mod Nicepants.

He's probably got a more interesting story behind his than I do too. I'll go ask him, haha.


Originally posted by RsQp

This may be a dumb question, but how do we give feedback about our mobile experience? I love it so far, but there are definitely a few areas that could be improved such as long holds to drag items, skill tab interactions, and quick chatting to name a few

Not at all! We technically use all channels to gather feedback, but the forums tend to be one of the main ones that we encourage everyone to use. You're also welcome to go through Discord where Asherz and others will likely pick it up pretty fast.