

20 Jul


Hey, we'll look to get this hotfixed, if not by end of work day today then first thing tomorrow morning.

Whilst I'm here, we've also just released a hotfix so that Sandy Caskets can be opened when you have a full temperature gauge.

EDIT: Has just been hotfixed (16:30 game time).


Hey, thanks for flagging. We'll get this fixed!

13 Jul


I'll chase up the delayed hit, that's definitely unintentional.

As for the change in animation... that was entirely the point. The reason they all use the same animation is so that you can see that the effect has triggered. Prior to this, if you had perhaps a cycle left on Mutated Barge effect you'd be questioning whether or not you had bled your Destroy ability, and with the 2~ cycle delay on the headbar updating you'd hesitate to use another ability and override your Destroy. By all the abilities using the same animation, it's now consistent and clear when the effect has been triggered.

Any effect like mutated barges should be clearly observed by animation and without a reliance on UI, all to improve the users experience.


Originally posted by JagexIago

We're working on a fix, will be hotfixed today.

Update: It's now been hotfixed! Lifepoints will be capped to max 32k which will prevent this from happening in the future.


Originally posted by SparxRs

i managed to escape

I'm glad you made it out... alive?


We're working on a fix, will be hotfixed today.


Originally posted by SparxRs

my dumb ass tried this and now i am stuck at vorago entrance

When you say stuck, do you need help?


Originally posted by Fayrr

Looks like some positive changes this week, nice.

New format, good. Would it be possible for the navigation to be "sticky" so that I can switch between tabs even when scrolled down the page. It's weird scrolling back up or clicking back to top to move between the information.

Any update on when we can expect a fix for: "The memory could not be %s. (c0000005)". This is a separate issue and will be fixed in an upcoming client update. "

Hey, should there be no issues with the fix in our release build then should be set to launch at the end of this month (27th).
Thanks for your patience!

03 Jul


Originally posted by thenozehair

https://clips.twitch.tv/RefinedSlickCardKevinTurtle (flickering occurs on the top right of this clip)

https://clips.twitch.tv/ObservantFlirtySoybeanPupper (flickering occurs kind of in the middle of the screen)

Hey, thanks for the videos. Have passed it on to the appropriate team. Could you also share your graphic settings, please? We believe it may be caused by having shadows enabled, so if you are able to try it with shadows turn off and let us know if it keeps happening that'd be much appreciated!

29 May


Hey! This was hotfixed on Wednesday around 11:20 GMT, so you should be able to make your clan now. Give it a try and let us know if you have any more problems and we'll look to address it as soon as possible.

There's also another issue with inviting players to your clan which is caused by the person you're inviting having their privacy setting set to Offline. So if you've experienced this issue, in the meantime please have them turn their privacy status to Online. This issue will be fixed with the game update on Monday.


11 Apr


This is just a safety check in case you have items in the wrong slot, and is intentional that you get sent to Death's office as this will force the items to be removed in a safe way. However, looking at your equipment I'm not too sure what's caused it. If you could you submit an in-game bug report please so we can investigate further, and please include the preset you had the issue with.


09 Apr


Hi, thanks for flagging! We'll investigate further but just for peace of mind, all BXP is disabled as well so it won't work.

05 Apr


Hey, feel free to drop me a PM and I'll have a look into it. And yeah, please always submit a bug report via the in-game system too.

03 Apr


Honestly, it's quite surreal! All the positive comments are really overwhelming in the most positive way possible - thank you all from all of us! <3
We're just really happy to see everybody engaging in different ways, from the masses of people swarming areas; the amount of chatter in-game and across social media; the number of people helping each other out; to the new and existing communities growing and speaking more broadly, the number of people that are just having some fun!

We're not completely done just yet either. We've been monitoring feedback and we'll change things where necessary over the coming weeks, with some smaller changes coming with the next game update (Monday), and on that note, I'll leave you with this single patch note to look forward to.

Inspecting a damaged or restored artefact, and filling or inspecting a soil box will no longer interrupt your current action, allowing you to continue excavating uninterrupted.

... Read more

02 Apr


Investigating now, thanks for flagging!

Edit: This was hot fixed soon after to stop the aura from boosting the stats.

01 Apr


Hey, we'll investigate this tomorrow, but in the mean time please submit a lost item ticket.


Originally posted by PerrinAlvar

Wonder if someone who hasn't completed the achievement could verify what it says in their collection log? But otherwise, that makes sense!

What u/Irevia said is correct. There's a one-off reward for some of the collections and then a repeatable reward. Wiki does have all that information now if you'd like to take a look - https://runescape.wiki/w/Archaeology_collections

31 Mar


Made note, thanks!


Could you submit an in-game bug report and include the name of the device please?

30 Mar


This is a known issue and we're working on a fix now. We'll hopefully have it hotfixed soon.

Edit: This has since been hotfixed but with the following side effects: - Bakriminal bolts appear craftable when you don't meet the requirements and don't appear craftable when you meet the requirements. - Space bar doesn't work when trying to fletch the Bakriminal bolts.

This is, unfortunately, the best we can do when and these side effects come from hotfixing things within an interface. These side effects will be fixed with our next cold fix.