

10 Dec

29 Mar

13 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


Bug we’re working on.


We love it too!

19 Feb


This is so cool. Nice f'n work man.

01 Jan


A fix is submitted for this. It should be in next week or in the next prepped patch!

23 Dec


Originally posted by Loseroni

I mean this is on a post literally about requesting for something to be added and a vague reply being given, I don't see it as that weird or harassing compared to most of what's posted on here

Not weird :)

16 Dec


Short film of the year! So much tension :)

Core Gunfight will return this week.

12 Dec


OSP is an event mode for a limited time. Gunfight is the core mode and will return! We also want to do more variants of Gunfight core in the future!


Nicely done with beautiful gold weapons :)

06 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]

I think it's fun


05 Dec


“He’s comin’ right for us!”


Okay, okay, just don’t kill the bird.

(Future update ;)

01 Dec


Originally posted by DeadZeplin

Joe, you and everyone involved have created a game that I've enjoyed more than pretty much any other I can think of. I look forward to playing it every day, and I stay up playing to the point where I almost regret it the next morning. Sorry for all the hate, I can really tell it's a labor of love despite the hiccups. Keep up the awesome work, there are so many of us that appreciate it more than you'll lever know. Thank you.

Thanks DZ. glad you’re diggin’ it. We keep updating and polishing :)


Originally posted by vishykeh

I dont blame you guys for trying to avoid this shitstorm of a subreddit. Keep improving the game and thank you for your efforts.

It can be rough. I’d prefer less PMs about my children dying horrible deaths. Spending less time here. Thanks for the thanks. We’re still working crazy hard!


Originally posted by OutragedOwl

Loving the game, hope you're having great holiday 👍

Thanks OO :)

30 Nov