

28 Nov

25 Nov

12 Nov


Originally posted by Tyty0606

The footstep notes are worded strange. What is the fix?

Commented above to try and clarify.


Sorry the footstep wording isn’t super clear. I’ll try again:

  • We have different sounds for crouch walk, walk, jog, sprint, etc

  • Before this patch ADS used walk and crouch used crouch.

  • If the player moved faster than a certain speed the ADS walk could change to a jog sound. The same was true for crouch where moving fast in crouch with say an SMG and some light weight attachments could push you into walk sounds from crouch sounds

  • With this patch the Crouch will always play crouch sounds (creep sounds) and ADS will also play creep sounds. In this way it’s consistent for the user. Fictionally the player is stealthily moving around in these two states.

All in all players should be able to creep around more quietly with crouch and ADS movement.

10 Nov


It’s because we added grenades to it post beta. Now you can deploy for your team or yourself and not waist the use on a few bullets missing from your stock.

Definitely feels better in one instance and not as good in another.

09 Nov

04 Nov


My god that’s beautiful


Originally posted by Reilly6894

Two things:

  1. This footage was taken from my Xbox One, and yes, it’s a bot game. I’m no where near good enough to get a nuke in matchmaking.

  2. I absolutely LOVE the design in the nuke. You can see it drop, the loud crack of the sudden explosion, the blinding light before the whole sky lights up. It gives me chills every time I see it. Incredible design, amazing game. Thank you, Infinity Ward.

Glad people dig the Nuke visuals. We had one guy dedicated to killstreaks and he has a great attention to detail - not to mention all of the other departments that killed it to make this happen. I remember the first time a helicopter was taken out and fell out of the sky right in front of me on Grazna Raid. I was yelling and laughing only to forget what I was doing and get shot.

03 Nov


Originally posted by FMCFR

Love how theres about 7 responses saying it's a slug, as if the other replies dont make it obvious

Ili think it was a slug round though

29 Oct


Originally posted by Radeni

Hey u/JoeCecot is this a known issue? This was the only time it had happened to me but that's a massive issue. I'm sorry for having to tag you like this.

Oh wow that's bad. We'll get this tracked.


Originally posted by GeorgePhotos

How could this even accidentally happen? Assuming it wasn’t intended

Edit: I know it wasn’t intentional, I’m really just curious how something cosmetic managed to accidentally have properties that effect gameplay

Charms are attachments just like everything else so they support function. They shouldn’t have any though :)

27 Oct


Thanks for this. We have never seen this in-house. We’ll get a fix in soon.

26 Oct


Damn bro, stop stealin’ my kills bruh

25 Oct


Change for this is in the works. We totally agree launchers need to level through other means.