

06 Aug

    Kimmei on Steam - Thread - Direct

We are improving on the Dynamic Events system in Edge Of Eternity. While this feature had been implemented since alpha release, we wanted to expand it to new areas and make the map more lively. You can now encounter over a dozen new events when exploring the Herelsor and Solna plains.

Key locations

Dynamic Events will start around 3 different type of places:

  • Marketplaces from Herelsor and Solna plains
  • Stonehenges from Herelsor and Solna plains
  • Arena next to the Lighthouse on Solna plain

... Read more

24 Jul

    Kimmei on Steam - Thread - Direct


You might have noticed it already if you play since the first released chapters of Edge Of Eternity, but some music themes for environments now change after some time or depending on the story. While wandering in the lands of Heryon, you must have visited the Herelsor plains. These gigantic plains full of a luxuriant vegetation have a recognizable epic theme the first time you discover it. This theme is supposed to make the player feel the adventure our heroes have embarked in & the vast new world they still have to discover.

After some time in the plains, the theme evolves while keeping some aspects of the original theme. The epic & adventurous feel is being replace... Read more

17 Jul

    Kimmei on Steam - Thread - Direct

We are reworking the weapon crafting system to make weapon acquirement feel more unique and rewarding. We worked on weapons set to bring you with more weapons and their own tree for crafting enthusiasts.

- Shamanic Series for Selene -

Every weapon set will be related to a specific part and location of the game where you have to gather resources and use low-tier weapons to craft better ones.
Basically, by amassing different weaker weapons, you will slowly but surely reach a point where you can create a superior, stronger weapon; a new sword for Daryon or a new scepter for Selene, making their wearer stronger than they ever was and rewarding your efforts properly as you fen... Read more

14 May

    Kimmei on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hello !

We’re glad to announce that the fifth chapter of Edge Of Eternity called “In Enemy Territory” is now available! We can’t wait to see what you think about the next steps in our main characters’ quest to save their mother.

As the gears of fate continues to turn and the world changes around them, Daryon and Selene continues their quest in hopes of finding a cure to the dreadful C... Read more