@DanieIuI Ahhhh the Miami finals were epic!!!!
@obanaku Weeewoooweeeewooo
@lunafawne Kindred’s story and especially VO lines are so incredible, right??? Also sweetheart Sona is the best 😍
@mashxq PENTAKILLLLLLLLL the announcer is soooo satisfying omg
@Omega_Zero69 Silver scrapes in that stadium was actually insane
@lunafawne Who was your first main?
@HGGraham Here's my trick...Don't tell anyone... I'm Gold 2, but I prefer Plat 7
@AliceBleed Love you too, you know ❤️
@Omega_Zero69 Ahhh that’s amazing!! Love those close series
@Q_Hush Thats amazing 😍🥰
@AliceBleed ❤️❤️❤️
@JackEtienne @riot Thank you for everything you do Jack ❤️❤️❤️ we wouldnt be the same without you
You're all so incredible. Your love and passion is what brought this community to life. Art, cosplay, streaming, spending time with friends across great distances, mastering your fav champ. Would you share your favorite #League10 story with us? We'd love to read it! 🥰🥰🥰
BDAY STREAMS COME SAY HI Evolution of League: Flash tattoos, League Style: Robot wandering the office??? Drawing some weird skin requests: League Music! 🤘
@Cloud9 @MarcMerrill Hes beautiful what can we say
@Cloud9: 🎊 @MarcMerrill @LeagueOfLegends #League10
@LittleMissLokii I love seeing the progress of artists over the years...It's incredible to see how we grow together 😊 Thanks for sharing! <3 <3 <3
@BaumbChell @riotgames Such great cosplay and art...Love that portrait! 🙌
@tayAFK 🤗
@inivis they keep rejecting this concept art I worked on...