

15 Oct


Originally posted by molenzwiebel

Here's a few questions not related to a specific summoner:

  • What digits are the most common at the end of summoner names? See https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/7sewjx/heatmap_of_numbers_found_at_the_end_of_reddit/ for an example of what I mean. How about their winrates? Is there a year that is far better than others?
  • Talking about age, how about account age. Is the winrate better for older accounts?
  • How does the remake rate vary by champion? Is there a champion that causes far more remakes than normal?
  • What summoner icon is used most out of the default ones? What about the non-default ones? What is the least popular icon?
  • What champion has the most total mastery points across all players? Is it in the trillions yet? How about the champ with the highest average points?
  • How many player...
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Be honest, do you stomp at trivia nights?