yes yes...that's mother
Shine brighter than any Star before ✨
@papuchochoe shhhh you’re too loud😤
@w_r_y_y_y_t_o hardest pic on the internet
@clouwdstone the run😂😂😂
@aphneiios if you scared just say that
@SAMPOKOSKl dude you can’t take this
2v2v2v2 me bro
@artminaj you're welcome 🫶
🔽Nerfs (Cont’d) 🔽 Rek’Sai: Base AD ⬇️, Base Health ⬇️ Varus: W On-hit Magic Damage ⬆️, Damage Per Blight Stack ⬇️ Vi: Passive Shield ⬇️, R Cooldown ⬆️ Wukong: E damage to monsters modifier removed
🔽Nerfs 🔽 Annie: Q Damage ⬇️, Aphelios: Severum Life Steal ⬇️, Gravitum Slow Duration ⬇️, Crescendum Base Attack Speed ⬇️ Ivern: W On-hit Magic Damage ⬇️. R Daisy! Movement Speed ⬇️, Slam! Base Damage ⬇️ Kindred: Base Health and Armor ⬇️ Neeko: W damage ⬇️
🚨Champion Updates 🚨 🔼Buffs 🔼 Lee Sin: Q Damage ⬆️ Nidalee: Base Movement Speed ⬆️
Patch 13.13 takes flight 🦅
The end of Split 1 of the 2023 Ranked Season, the last chance to earn Victorious Anivia, and much more. Read the full rundown here:
@LoLDev: Going to be answering some common questions around our newest game mode, Arena!
@DumbsYT does anyone know how to un-read a tweet
@Sabby getting a tattoo that says this
@jerichahri can't stop staring 🥹🥹
@YazBaee we need to see this heat 🔥
@JssicaParra2 Você se parece com a nossa garota
@HiReima the picture of grace