

01 Sep


Very. It's my main build and shreds, both mobs and boss enemies. My suggestion: get a gatling gun as your main weapon and lean into VATS - you'll thank me later. Then you can have a 50 cal, gatling plasma, gauss minigun etc as your second weapon for boss enemies.


Honestly, they're very comparable. BOS recon armor slightly better for Damage Resistance, whereas the Secret Service Armor is better for Energy Resistance and Radiation Resistance. Both will serve you well and perk cards etc can be used to bolster stats if need be.

25 Aug


Known issue. Aiming to be fixed in the next update.

18 Aug


Originally posted by AshL0vesYou

This maintenance is about the atoms glitch? Or something else?

It's unrelated. We are aware of the atoms issue though and are looking into it


Maintenance for all bethesda net services is taking place right now. Keep an eye out on the bethesda support twitter for updates.


There is maintenance taking place right now for all bethesda net services. Keep an eye on the Bethesda support twitter for updates

12 Aug

09 Aug


Originally posted by MangyMoose76

Hey…I’m not OP, but thanks for reaching out to them to see if this can be resolved.

It's no issue but I need OP to message me asap, time is off the essence here u/Potentialbrilliant17

07 Aug


Hey mate, I'm sorry you've been having these issues. I don't have an answer for you right now but I can say it is being investigated.

05 Aug


We are looking into the radiation rumble issues on PlayStation at the moment


Originally posted by scorched_undies

YES! They reverted it! I just tried it and was able to remove the foundation! Thank you, Bethesda, for listening to our feedback.

Build away, Wastelander 👷

04 Aug


We are looking into these reports, thanks mate


Originally posted by HarrisonYeller

It seemes to have improved, I did not experience it yesterday during a 3 hour session. Thank you for replying.

I'm really glad to hear it


New tubes you place down will still be Super Mutants. You just need to move to replace any existing ones to have them revert back


We're aware of the issue and are working in a fix. Don't worry, you won't miss out on the walls 👊🏼


Originally posted by HarrisonYeller

I cant see anything on the server losing connection issues?

This update should help with the issues that you have been experiencing. I have also reported issues that PlayStation players have been having with crashing. If there's anything else you've been experiencing after this new update, please let me know. Thanks mate.


This should have been fixed today. Are you still encountering it?