

30 Jul


Keep using your level ups and picking cards and eventually you'll unlock all perk cards upon level up. Just keep an eye on when certain perk cards that you want unlock so that you're not wasting level ups


I have a BE LMG. Very good. Not as ammo efficient as a 50 cal but you use it when you really need it

29 Jul


Originally posted by nodadwhataboutyou

My flamethrower did just fine. You can see them when they’re on fire.

lmao 😂

08 Jun

31 May

27 May


Hey mate, when did you delete your character? DMing you.

28 Aug


We're looking into it now, thanks for your patience mate


Thanks for the report mate. Team is aware and is working on it


We're onto it, thanks for the report buddy 👊🏼


Onto it, the team is aware and investigating, thanks for the reports everyone

27 Aug


Originally posted by KAM7

Is the team aware that it’s caused by the healing factor mutation and bloodied builds? Someone explained that to me, I removed healing factor, and the bug went away. I had it bad, I could never fast travel unless I clicked 5-6 times on the same place. Removing healing factor got rid of that.

We're taking a look into this now


Originally posted by tagsyou1st

Can we fix the perk frienfly fire it literally shoes a flamer on the card but only the shishkobob works

They're aware of that one too


I don't have an update about this issue but I know the team is definitely investigating it


Originally posted by Big_Minion_Hair69

its so advanced that it shaved off my mustache!

Yeah I noticed this and a few people reporting it. The team has since been made aware <3