

26 Apr

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

You’ll be able to get the gear from a lot of the activities you’ll do in Embers of Neltharion as you play through the content, such as questing, dungeons, or experiencing the new raid dungeon.

17 Apr

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ve had many many iterations of this article over the years, whether it was the Explorer’s League News back in 2011, which was weekly, or something monthly like (...

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    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ve just added a new in-game cinematic to the This Week in WoW article called, " “Opening the Way”"— Make sure you give it a watch!

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

You’re welcome. We’ll refine it a bit and change it to note when something is an (Article) or an (Event) going forward to help avoid confusion.

When we have news to share for Classic outside of blue posts (which you can check out in the Blues News on Fridays if you aren’t following along during the week), we’ll share. We aren’t and won’t be ignoring Classic.

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is correct. I’ve added the word “Preview” to the front to help avoid more confusion. Generally, you can expect we’re listing out our upcoming feature articles in this or letting you know about in-game events such as bonus events and holidays. The update goes live on May 2 as does the Cross-Faction Guild functionality. You can read the details about it tomorrow.

03 Apr

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

Haha… Yeah. It was… a lot. I’m still doing… a lot. But I’m also still reading here and trying to keep on top of all that’s going on. I have a solid team helping write articles. We always appreciate feedback on those or if people notice errors that slip through (it happens much as it pains me.)

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

Aww, thanks! I appreciate that. :dracthyr_heart:

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep. My focus is front-page news (and has been for years), so I try to respond to the article threads here and there. It’ll be 17 years in June. Thanks for the good wishes! I hope you have been doing well also!

31 Mar

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

For future. We’re always watching and evaluating so we can make adjustments if we think they are warranted.

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct
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08 Mar

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s been corrected. It should have been Paladin. :slight_smile:

02 Mar

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve added a shot of the Zskera Vault to the article now. Keep in mind that the visual aspect and the creatures in the vault change with each new rotation, so it won’t look just like that when you go in (or maybe it will if you’re lucky?)

WoW_ForbiddenReach_Treasure-Vault_Lightbox_1280x720_EM021280×720 268 KB

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

We made a slight correction to an image placement in the article. The image that was under Zskera Vault is actually the War Creche. To avoid confusion, we moved it further down the article.

But the Zkera Vault does have many doors. Good luck hunting down the keys to get at the treasures inside.

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep. It’s on the PTR and anyone can hop in, try out some things, report bugs etc. Every bit helps.

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just “soon ™” for now. We’re working toward being able to give a real date as soon as possible, but we’re not ready quite yet.

01 Mar

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re aware of the issues people are experiencing and are working on them. Of note, if you froze an item from last month, don’t refreeze anything else. We believe this is a display error that we are working to correct. Players will likely need to log out and back in once the fix has been added to the game to see the item again.

23 Feb

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

[Updated 2/23] It won’t be long until the vendors in Orgrimmar and Stormwind trade out their wares for new items for the month of March, and February’s items go into storage.

Before the month comes to an end, if you haven’t purchased that one “must-have” item yet, don’t worry. You can “freeze” an item so you can purchase it later. When you freeze an item, it will stay available month over month until it is purchased or replaced. Don’t forget to also finish your Traveler’s Log and claim Ash’adar, Harbinger of Dawn mount, before time runs out! Check your progress by opening the Adventure Guide (Shift-J).

If February’s offerings didn’t have the items you wanted, you can hang on to your Trader’s Tender for next month’s offerings. It won’t go anywhere, and unspent Tender will continue to accumulate each month.

06 Feb

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

Correct. This should now show properly in the article. If it’s not showing, you may need to refresh to pick up the change.