

17 Apr

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While the experience buff, Winds of Wisdom, will be ending on April 20, the new 100% reputation buff, Impressive Influence, will be running all the way until May 18th.

15 Apr

14 Apr

13 Apr

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Share your Noblegarden spirit with the rest of the community here!

09 Apr

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We’re back, dungeon-runners! The Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) is coming to YouTube beginning April 11. There have been some major changes ...

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We’ve made a slight update regarding the starting levels for Allied races, Death Knights and Demon Hunters as follows:

“Players with Allied race characters will begin at level 10. Non-Allied race Death Knights, and Demon Hunters will automatically begin at level 8 and play through their own starting experience before moving on around level 10.”

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

I read it (harder to do without paragraph breaks.) I can’t answer to the specific post though. Some things will have to be seen and learned along the way.

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

All in good time.

As for the other, sadly, I don’t have control over the system. All I can do is work with it. And if I don’t share the link to our article, someone else will share the link to a site not our own. We like gauging viewership the same as anyone else. It means we can keep providing what we do regularly.

08 Apr

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I did, because people often don’t notice new posts on our own site even if they get disseminated on fansites as soon as they are posted. We also closed comments on the blogs and are moving to comments being in the forums, and thus, I post the news article with a dedicated thread for people to talk on. :wink:

07 Apr

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There’s plenty to learn about World of Warcraft’s next expansion, and we’ve rounded up the latest news for you here to help you stay on top of it all.

What aspect of the expansion are you looking forward to the most?

20 Mar

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If you’ve been away from the trials and tribulations on Azeroth’s shores, then we’ve got you covered in our brief guide to getting back in the action at level 120.

Have your own tips for helping others? Share them here!

    Nethaera on Forums - Thread - Direct

Styles from Kul Tiras and Zandalar are all the rage, but is your transmog the flavor of the moment? Or is it a timeless couture classic? You’ll be able to find out during the Trial of Style, taking place March 20 –24! Prepare to strut your stuff in a head-to-head fashion face-off and see who can put it all together—for the win!

Share your best transmogs on Twitter by using the hashtag #transmog, then join the discussion here.

13 Mar

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Presented by Blizzard Entertainment’s University Relations and World of Warcraft development teams, the ninth annual World of Warcraft Student Art Contest has drawn to a close. After some fervent debate and impassioned deliberation, our judges sifted through the many remarkable entries and identified the winning entries.

Check out the winners and runner-ups ...

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11 Mar

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The gates into Arathi Basin are now open in this 15 vs.15 resource battle. Do you and your crew have what it takes to take control and win? Read more about this battleground in our article then share your tips and advice on how to be successful in this fast-paced battleground.

10 Mar

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Raid Finder Wing 4 is now available and N’Zoth awaits! Good luck everyone.

04 Mar

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No word on the narrator yet, but the audiobook version should also be available at about the same time as the book release.

03 Mar

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“The Horde is nothing!” With those infamous words, Sylvanas Windrunner betrayed and abandoned the Horde she vowed to serve. The Dark Lady and her forces now work in the shadows as both the Horde and Alliance, including her own sister, Alleria, race to uncover her next move. Read on for a first look at the upcoming expansion prequel novel, Shadows Rising.