

04 May


Originally posted by Skruff94

Literally any post about NB: Amazing gamemode, i miss it so much. No hate in the comments, only sad people missing it.
Riot: Not enough players played it according to our SHTASTICS, so f**k everyone who want NB.

Any thread with even 2000 people mourning the mode just means 2000 people feel strongly about the mode.

There's several million others out there who simply don't care about the mode and probably don't even know what Reddit is.


Originally posted by AbilityAngle

Prob same reason why URF (original urf nor arurf) wont come back, players play the game mode so much they burn out and just stop playing league overall and riot loses players.

Original URF and even ARURF crests 50% of hours in some regions, Nexus Blitz struggled to break 5%. Not even close.


Originally posted by ionux

yes but wrap up says it had success but they dont add it anymore

weird logic

It hit the target audience as intended, and had some initial success but it simply wasn't played enough overall to convince it was worth making permanent.

And those that feel strongly about missing it (myself included) are part of that target audience, hence the success. There just aren't that many of us.

26 Aug

31 Jul