

10 Sep


Originally posted by Dinomite1812

I know this is unrelated but, is there any idea when charging while mounted will be fixed? I was really dissapointed after seeing I couldnt make a proper cavalier build as half of the time id lose a turn to freezes.

Still WIP. Mounted combat is a new mechanic and unfortunately it's sometimes causing unexpected interactions with older code. Patches will continue coming out every few days, so the waiting shouldn't be too long.


Originally posted by Corybegins

So the lich path turn us in a Skeleton, interesting, but, can we keep our flesh in this path? i'd like to keep my original apparence...

The power has a price! Of course, you can always choose to step back and refuse the gift of immortality, never completing your final transformation. Should you? The choice is yours...


Originally posted by ionstorm20

I'm not gonna lie. WotR has been one of the few games lately that has kept me up well past my bedtime just wanting to get in one more fight.

Imagine our horror in the launch days. We also want to play but LACK TIME xD


Originally posted by eschu101

Hey, stealing the thread but more likely that you guys can see this.

Bolster spell is broken with magic missile. Does like 1000% more damage, i guess this isnt right. Can we expect a fix soon?

Thanks for a fellow lich.

It's on the to do list, but currently in a lesser priority than more critical issues. Enjoy the power while it lasts :)