Thanks, this gave the devs a very clear pointer where to look. It's in the works, fix should be there in the nearest patch or one after that.
Thanks, this gave the devs a very clear pointer where to look. It's in the works, fix should be there in the nearest patch or one after that.
Awesome. I know this wasn't the main point of the hotfix and may already be aware of this but reading the second half of the lexicon and making all the checks essentially bugs out the game and you can no longer move or interact with anything, can't even hit esc to bring up the menu
Always better if you report a bug via ALT+B. You never know when some reports may contain important details that other instances of the same report don't.
Seems to occur as characters come onto screen. I just happened to pause and pan down at the right moment. In this case the bottom of my screen was where Lann in the red cape is when I paused. Submitted a bug report yesterday but thought I'd post since it's difficult to get a screenshot of. Not a critical bug but definitely distracting.
Hello, can you please PM me the ID of the bug? You should have received it to your mail.
Cant wait for them to encounter a gamebreaking bug and losing. It will happen.
We understand that this is a possibility, that's why rules have a note that if the game was lost due to non-gameplay related reason, they can return to a backup save file.
On the streamers channels.
Yup. We'll be highlighting them and keeping leaderboards.
im in act 3 on core atm. Why's this set to normal? it really wont be a challenge at all.
I started on normal azlanti but decided to restart after like 20 hours of just running on rtwp and basically never making a single combat decision because Lann just 1 shots everything and the encounters are much smaller on normal too.. How to beat normal: Use 2 handers on everyone, click attack. done.
It's the difficulty level that most of participants have chosen. Note that many of them are not experienced Pathfinder gamers with hundreds of hours played, and some of them will be going to play the game completely first time. Normal is a reasonable choice when you think of it.
Sadly the FPS issue is not fixed. =( Moving my character around for 30s still drops the FPS from 140 to 10. =(
Hello! Hotfix wasn't addressing FPS issues, unfortunately. Expect it in the next patches.
<3 Thank you for the trust and support. It truly means a lot to us, and is truly inspiring. We are very sorry for the issues you guys are encountering, but we're working hard to get rid of them. I hope you guys are seeing the results already. See you in Golarion!
Please reply to this comment when the hotfix is released, so we can unpin the thread.
Hey! The hotfix is live.
Thanks for being responsive. Will the quest that the Ten Thousand Delights owner send you on be fixed as well? Because I can’t get the ending of that quest to trigger either. >! The part where you find the lilitu amongst the beggars after you’ve got her kicked out of the brothel!<
Not in the hotfix as far as I know.
I mean, it is kind of funny. Not in a bad way either, at least not for me personally since I tend to restart quite a bit.
Owlcat "Let's fix this."
Game breaking bug "Hello there!"
I admit, that made me chuckle.
There's also a new critical bug where it appears that killing a companion will make it so that loading screens now progress incredibly slowly then freeze at 100%. Big post on forum and I'm now soft locked.
Yup, aware of it, big issue, hopefully will make it into the hotfix as well.
Will there be patch notes on what is in the hotfix? Will I be able to change my mythic path at start of chapter 5 and not lose all mythic powers after mythic 5, and be treated like I didn't change my path? Right now I am just as game blocked as the people who can't get nocticula to spawn.
Of course, every hotfix and patch comes with patchnotes.
I hate to ask this here, but is there a fix coming for enemies being untargetable during turn based combat because they haven't entered combat yet? This was a big problem in Drezden for me.
At some point, but probably not in the nearest patch.
Thank you. Here is hoping it comes with no further bugs
It's all Deskari's fault!
Any chance you'll fix the Abyssal conspiracy bug as well in this hotfix? I just finished the fight and when I leave I'm suspended in space on the corner of the map.
Abyssal conspiracy
Not in the hotfix. Maybe in the next patch, but it seems to be a rare bug, so no guarantee.
Hey guys! We're keeping an eye on this and are already doing some minor optimizations here and there. While it may take some time to get to this properly, we will definitely look into it once things are a bit less on fire in terms of bugs.
Regardless, whenever you suffer from a visible FPS loss, PLEASE leave a bug report via ALT+B. It will help us identify the problematic spots. This especially concerns the people who started to experience lagspikes after the last patch.
We're aware of this and currently preparing a hotfix. Should be deployed within a few hours from now.
I'm trickster and it broke I guess. Not because of quests or anything, the game just kind of stops working - you can't level up, feats that are selected aren't actually working, can't save, etc.
It's hard to say without checking them directly whether they are a result of respec or not. Please report all those as bugs using ALT+B.
Usually we are able to retroactively repair the saves, so perhaps just wait until it's fixed and continue. Meanwhile you can start a new playthrough in another build/mythic etc.
Sorry for the inconvenience.