

19 Jul


Originally posted by Seakru

Is it possible for the circle to end on the little sliver of land in the bottom left corner of the map? Or would the circle algorithm prevent that? What about the windmill island on the right?

Ps4, coddestroyer99

Great question, I'm not sure. My guess is the circle algorithm won't let it go there but I'm not 100% sure. I think it would be hilarious if it did at one point. Maybe not the most balanced end locations though!


Originally posted by Shockmzq

How long took for you guys (Dev team) to design, build and release the map (in days,months). And what was the biggest challenge while working on the map?

In-game name : Shockmzq(PC)

I won't say exactly how long but it was over a year for us to develop Deston. I've answered a bit on the challenges HERE.


Originally posted by forka245

Where to find a new car on Deston?

Platform: PC

IGN: makar_pubger

In the FUTURE!


Originally posted by SomeGuyInDallas_Bud

Hey y’all, thanks for the answers ahead of time. I play console and can’t wait to start your new map. Just a couple questions:

  1. The airboat seems to be pretty successful thus far. Any plans for other new map-specific vehicles?

  2. The terrain appears to vary greatly over the map. Mr. Hartmann, did you and your people have particular difficulty in transitioning from one type of ground to the next? Also, did you look to any specific real-world places to inspire your decisions?

Many many thanks,

PS console player: SomeGuyInDallas

For locations I answered a bit of it HERE.

There wasn't really any difficulty transitioning from one to the other. I use a program called WorldMachine to make the map which I can also use to help make masks for the terrain. So I'm able to pick out areas based on say height or slope and I can apply a material to that area. It helps a lot with making the map look real.


Originally posted by Embarrassed-Start334

Hello Deston map creators, I would like to know if the map has secret passages like it was in vikend on the mountain, the map sometimes gives me an impression that there is something underground in some parts, we would like to know if we are going to be surprised with these passages or if you plan to do this in the future? the map is amazing, thanks for providing us with incredible gameplay!

nick: cooold / PC

No real secret passages like Vikendi but I always enjoy a secret passage so who knows.