- Content - Added support for 4 new languages: Latin American Spanish, Dutch, Turkish and Swedish.
- Feature - Changed the lobby music back to the default music.
Badham Preschool map changes
- Added 5 new variations of the Badham Preschool map.
- Adjusted the safety rating of each pallet loop in the maps.
- Diversified the number of sides a generator could be repaired from on all tiles.
- Each tile is now unique and will only spawn once.
- Improved totem hiding spots.
- Reduced the minimum distance between pallets to 8 meters.
Bloodpoint balancing
Adjusted some score event for Survivors:
- Increased Cleansing (dull totem) from 600 to 1000.
- Increased Cleansing (hex totem) from 1000 to 1500.
- Increased Map Scout from 150 to 250.
- Increas...