

01 Mar

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The battlefield calls once more! Following the recent Calradian War event, we’ve further improved the server stability - ergo, prepare for an all-out war on the TaleWorlds official Siege event server next Saturday. Up to 500 players will clash on the same server, fighting it out in the usual messy and bloody way.

Playing in the event will also grant you three times the Loot & Exp that you would normally get.

⚔ Are you ready for war? ⚔

📅 Date & Time: Saturday, 8th of March, 20:00 CET
🎯 Event Type: Large-scale Siege
📍 Server Name: [EVENT] Calradian War #11 - 3x Lo... Read more
    Piconi on Steam - Thread - Direct

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Before we dive into this edition of #CommunityTales, we would like to invite you to the next official Multiplayer event.

Calradian War #11 - 3x Loot & Exp
The battlefield calls once more! Following the recent Calradian War event, we’ve further improved the server stability - ergo, prepare for an all-out war on the TaleWorlds official Siege event server next Saturday. Up to 500 players will clash on the same server, fighting it out in the usual messy and bloody way.

Playing in the event will also grant you three times the Loot & Exp that you would normally get.

⚔ Are you ready for war? ⚔

  • 📅 Date & Time: Saturda...
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26 Feb

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Massive thanks to everyone for coming to the event! We hope you had fun despite the crashes.
We have identified an issue that may have been causing the crashes during the event and have already pushed out a fix for it.
We will be looking into organizing another event once the issue proves resolved, so keep an eye on steam discussions, social media, the subreddit, or the official forums.

17 Feb

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The Calradian War events return!

The battlefield calls once more! This Saturday, prepare for an all-out war on the TaleWorlds official Siege event server. Up to 500 players will clash on the same server, fighting for glory, domination, and the ultimate victory.

Playing in the event will also grant you three times the Loot & Exp that you would normally get.

⚔ Are you ready for war? ⚔

📅 Date & Time: Saturday, 22nd of February, 20:00 CET
🎯 Event Type: Large-scale Siege
📍 Server Name: [EVENT] Calradian War #10 - 3x Loot & Exp
👥 Players: Up to 500 warriors

Don’t miss it—victory awaits!

13 Dec

    Piconi on Steam - Thread - Direct

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Welcome to the twelfth edition of the Community Tales - highlighting some fantastic creations and events that you can join!

We wish you happy holidays and a wonderful new year. Stay tuned and take care!

Without further ado, let’s jump right in!

Artisan's Atelier
The faithful followers by [BRE] Guiskard

... Read more

02 Dec

    Piconi on Steam - Thread - Direct

The patch has been released on PC and will follow to other platforms once the remaining obstacles have been resolved.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when parties entered a settlement to exchange troops.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player rescued an imprisoned companion and gave them to a new party, while having a custom filter on the Party screen.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when riderless mounts tried to find a retreat position.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a deprecated policy being referenced in map notifications.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning traits to teen heroes.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when talking to someone through the Clan screen while being in a settlement.
  • Fixed a c...
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04 Nov

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The loot has been given out. Thanks to everyone who joined!

30 Oct

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone, we'll be conducting another stress test of the multiplayer refactor that represents a deeper technical change towards a more scalable infrastructure. Please join us for a large-scale Siege event this Saturday, 02 November 2024 18:00 UTC on the "beta - Multiplayer" branch with up to 500 players on the same server. We would greatly appreciate everyone joining. You'll have a fresh new "character" once you join the Beta. Joining during the event on Saturday and playing for at least 1 hour will grant you 750 Loot. Switching to the Beta branch can be done via the Steam Betas system and represents a small download of 16 MB - so switching back and forth should be rather quick.

Steam Library > Right-click Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord > Properties… > Betas > "beta - Multiplayer"

21 Sep

    Piconi on Steam - Thread - Direct

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Welcome to the eleventh edition of the Community Tales - highlighting some fantastic creations and events that you can join!

Without further ado, let’s jump right in!

Artisan's Atelier
Camel appreciation by GojiHam

Title art by -DI0-
... Read more

26 Aug

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Come join us this Saturday for the ninth official large-scale Battle & Siege event with up to 600 players on the same server.

This time, we have something special in store! Two renowned content creators in the Bannerlord community, Captain Fracas and Jackie Fish, will lead their factions in an epic showdown.

For Battles, we will be using maps initially made for Captain mode. In the last Battle mode map, we will have a special rule “Protect the King” - if either Captain Fracas or Jackie Fish falls in battle first, their faction instantly loses. Players are encouraged to form ... Read more

24 Aug

    Piconi on Steam - Thread - Direct

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Before we dive into this edition of #CommunityTales, we would like to invite you to the next official Multiplayer event, where two of our passionate content creators will be leading the charge.

Hope to see you there!

Calradic War #9 - Captain Fracas vs Jackie Fish

Come join us next Saturday for the ninth official large-scale Battle & Siege event with up to 600 players on the same server.

This time, we have something special in store! Two renowned content creators in the Bannerlord community, Captain Fracas (... Read more

08 Aug

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by i lost my boots: is singleplayer development finished? if not, are there any plans the team can share?
Originally posted by Atenvardo:
Originally posted by Piconi:
Hey @Piconi - Will we get a roadmap for singleplayer o...
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05 Aug

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by author: playing for at least 1 hour will grant you 750 Loot once the Beta patch reaches Live.

26 Jul

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Greetings everyone!

We've just released the Beta v1.2.11 patch which includes a multiplayer refactor that represents a deeper technical change towards a more scalable infrastructure. We expect it to provide greater flexibility in the backend development, help with our long-term server support, and resolve several issues with services not scaling appropriately during heavy load - i.e. it should help with lobby connectivity during a sudden increase in player numbers during f.e. an event.

You can already join Beta v1.2.11 Multiplayer with both Matchmaking and Custom Servers operational. However, we'd like to stress test the new changes before moving the patch to Live. As such, we'll be organizing a large-scale Siege event on Beta v1.2.11 next Sunday, 04.08.2024 at 18:00 UTC with up to 500 players on the same server. We would greatly appreciate everyone joining.

You'll have a fresh new "character" once you join the Beta. Joining during the event nex... Read more

22 Jul

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Come join us this Saturday for the eighth official large-scale Siege event with up to 500 players on the same server. We’ll first be playing on an EU-based server and then switch to an NA-based server, with a total playtime of three hours.

Playing in the event will also grant you three times the Loot & Exp that you would normally get.

Date: Saturday, 27th of July
Time: EU - 18:30 UTC / NA - 4pm EDT
Server Name: [EVENT] Calradic War #8 - 3x Loot & Exp
Game Mode: Siege

27 Jun

    Piconi on Steam - Thread - Direct

The patch has been released to Steam and will follow to other platforms once the remaining obstacles have been resolved.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred in encyclopedia when switching between characters quickly.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning a commander to a formation during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a multithread issue during siege and hideout missions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during a conversation with a freed prisoner if multiple prisoners had been saved from the enemy party.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assisting a settlement under siege while a peace vote was under way between the factions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the destruction of cloth mesh...
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24 Jun

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Come join us this Saturday for the seventh official large-scale Siege event (now collectively called Calradic War) with up to 600 players on the same server. We’ll first be playing on an EU-based server and then switch to an NA-based server, with a total playtime of three hours.

Playing in the event will also grant you three times the Loot & Exp that you would normally get.

Date: Saturday, 29th of June
Time: EU - 18:30 UTC / NA - 20:00 UTC
Server Name: [EVENT] Calradic War #7 - 3x Loot & Exp
Game Mode: Siege

12 Jun

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Grumpy Goblin: Since the patch my game broke. :D Yay.
To access this hotfix, you would first need to opt into its specific Beta branch on Steam. Did you opt into it and are unable to play, or did something else happen?

11 Jun

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
v1.2.10 Beta (11/06/24)​
This hotfix includes several singleplayer and multiplayer fixes aimed at improving the game's stability and addressing the most significant bugs. Some changes involve deeper modifications and may result in unexpected behaviors. Therefore, we have made the hotfix available through the Steam Betas system first. We would greatly appreciate it if you could opt into this branch, play as you otherwise would, and provide feedback. Additionally, please submit crash dumps if any crashes occur. Thank you for your support!

  • Fixed a crash that occurred in encyclopedia when switching between characters quickly.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning a commander to a formation during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a multithread issue during siege and hideout missions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during a conversa...
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31 May

    Piconi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Come join us next Saturday for an official large-scale Battle & Siege event with up to 600 players on the same server, as we try something new. For Battles, we will be using maps initially made for Captain mode.

Additionally, we’ll first be playing on an EU-based server and then switch to an NA-based server, with a total playtime of three hours.

Playing in the event will also grant you three times the Loot & Exp that you would normally get.

  • Date: Saturday, 8th of June
  • Time: EU - 18:30 UTC / NA - 20:00 UTC
  • Server Name: Battanian Ambush
  • Game Mode: Battle & Siege