28 Jan

プレミアシーズン 2 にようこそ。

シーズン 2 の新情報をご存じない方向けに少しご紹介します。 Vertigo が削除され、Train が追加。M4A4 は… 価格が下がり「A4 もええよ!」と言えるようになりました。また、FAMAS も微調整しています。

シーズン 2 は Austin Major 終了時まで継続し、その期間中に条件を満たしたプレイヤーにはプレミアシーズン 2 メダルが授与されます。 メダルの色はシーズン中に到達した最高の CS レーティングに対応し、バーは合計勝利数を示しています( 25 勝で 1 本のバーに着色される、最大 5 本)。

プレミアシーズン 2 のメダルを獲得するためには、アカウントが良好な状態であることと、プレミアモードで 25 勝していること、シーズン終了時に有効な CS レーティングを保持していることが必要です。

プレミアマッチメイキングは再開しています!皆さまも今すぐ MM をプレイして勝利をつかみ取りましょう!
Welcome to Premier Season Two.

If you haven't heard the news, here's what's new in Season Two. Vertigo is out, Train is in, the M4A4 is more... A4-dable... and we've tweaked the FAMAS.

Season Two runs from now through the Austin Major, at which point players who meet the requirements will be awarded a Premier Season Two Medal. The color will correspond to your highest CS Rating achieved during the season, and the bars will reflect your total wins, with one bar for every 25—up to five bars.

To earn your Premier Season Two Medal, you'll need an account in good standing, 25 Premier match wins, and an active CSR at the end of the season.

Premier matchmaking is now open for business, so hit the queue and start racking up those wins!
  • Premier Season Two is here, and Premier matchmaking has resumed
  • Every player who earned a CS Rating during Season One will receive a commemorative Premier Season One Medal which includes detailed Season Statistics
  • Every player will have their CS Rating recalibrated based on their Season One performance, and will need to re-establish their CS Rating by winning 10 matches
  • Train has been added to the Active Duty map pool
  • Vertigo has been removed from the Active Duty map pool

  • M4A4 price reduced to $2,900
  • FAMAS accuracy improved and price reduced to $1,950
  • Reduced crouching accuracy for the MP9, MP5-SD, and MP7
  • Adjusted scope dot on AUG/SG to be more useable at range

[ UI ]
  • Added a new radar dynamic zoom option that will grow or shrink the radar to inclu...
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  • プレミアシーズン 2 がスタートし、プレミアマッチメイキングが再開
  • シーズン 1 で CS レーティングを獲得した全プレイヤーに、詳細なシーズン戦績を確認できる記念のプレミアシーズン 1 メダルをプレゼント
  • シーズン 1 の成績に基づいて全プレイヤーの CS レーティングが再調整され、10 マッチに勝利すると CS レーティングが再確定される
  • Train がアクティブデューティーマッププールに追加
  • Vertigo をアクティブデューティーマッププールから削除

  • M4A4 の価格を $2,900 に減額
  • FAMAS の精度が改善し、価格が $1,950 に減額
  • MP9、MP5-SD、MP7 のしゃがみ時の精度が低下
  • 遠距離で使いやすいように AUG/SG のスコープドットを調整

  • レーダーのダイナミックズームオプションを新しく追加。チームメイトや爆弾、その他の検知要素を確認できるように拡大/縮小が可能に
  • 観戦者 UI 上のグレネードの順序を武器選択順序と一致させるように調整
  • C4 保持中の UI の明るさを向上

  • ロングドッグから爆弾設置地点 A までのブーストアングルを削除
  • 両面マテリアル上のライティング・アーティファクトを修正

  • ライブマッチ中にコピーしたり、ゲームサーバーのクラッシュ後に復元したりした不完全なデモファイルでもプレイできるようになるフォールバックロジックを追加
  • ユー...
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27 Nov

  • The Shanghai Major Hub is now available. Visit the hub to purchase tournament items, play the Pick'Em Challenge and more.
  • Purchase a Shanghai 2024 Viewer Pass to receive an upgradable Shanghai 2024 Coin. With an active pass, you can upgrade your coin and earn extra souvenir packages by playing the Pick'Em Challenge. Additionally, you will show up on the Active Pass Leaderboard where you can compare your Pick'Em Challenge performance to your friends.
  • All players with Prime status can place Pick'Em picks for free! However, to complete challenges and earn rewards from an event stage, you will have to activate a Viewer Pass before that stage begins.
  • A new music kit “Ay Hey” by Perfect World is now available for purchase in-game in standard and StatTrak versions.
  • Added "sv_quantize_movement_input" setting, e...
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  • The Shanghai Major Hub is now available. Visit the hub to purchase tournament items, play the Pick'Em Challenge and more.
  • Purchase a Shanghai 2024 Viewer Pass to receive an upgradable Shanghai 2024 Coin. With an active pass, you can upgrade your coin and earn extra souvenir packages by playing the Pick'Em Challenge. Additionally, you will show up on the Active Pass Leaderboard where you can compare your Pick'Em Challenge performance to your friends.
  • All players with Prime status can place Pick'Em picks for free! However, to complete challenges and earn rewards from an event stage, you will have to activate a Viewer Pass before that stage begins.
  • A new music kit “Ay Hey” by Perfect World is now available for purchase in-game in standard and StatTrak versions.
  • Added "sv_quantize_movement_input" setting, e...
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13 Nov

We're happy to announce the return of the momentarily lost classic, Train.

There's plenty of classic Counter-Strike in every inch of this map—but we also made sure to mix up the gameplay a bit to keep you Train veterans on your toes. We also gave it a full visual overhaul, which means your favorite bleak Eastern European train yard is now 60% cloudier. With a chance of rain? We guarantee it.

So queue up and get ready to master the newest version of one of Counter-Strike's most iconic maps. Train is now available in casual and competitive game modes.

Overpass Updates and New Community Maps

Overpass has received a number of updates based on community feedback, and we're adding four new community maps to the game. Basalt returns to Counter-Strike 2 alongside Edin in casual and competitive game modes, and Palais and Whistle have bee... Read more
We're happy to announce the return of the momentarily lost classic, Train.

There's plenty of classic Counter-Strike in every inch of this map—but we also made sure to mix up the gameplay a bit to keep you Train veterans on your toes. We also gave it a full visual overhaul, which means your favorite bleak Eastern European train yard is now 60% cloudier. With a chance of rain? We guarantee it.

So queue up and get ready to master the newest version of one of Counter-Strike's most iconic maps. Train is now available in casual and competitive game modes.

Overpass Updates and New Community Maps

Overpass has received a number of updates based on community feedback, and we're adding four new community maps to the game. Basalt returns to Counter-Strike 2 alongside Edin in casual and competitive game modes, and Palais and Whistle have bee... Read more
  • Added damage prediction settings. Damage prediction allows clients to immediately play the audio/visual effects of inflicting damage without waiting for confirmation from the server. Damage prediction can make shooting feel significantly more responsive, but comes with the risk of occasionally being wrong (e.g. due to aim punch, tagging, or a death that your client isn't yet aware of).
  • Predicted body shot effects (disabled by default), head shot effects (disabled by default), and kill ragdolls (enabled by default) can each be toggled separately.
  • Damage prediction is not active when you have high ping.
  • Updated the third-person animation that plays when a player is blinded by a flashbang. The animation now accurately represents the player's visibility level, and the pose will only show the player's arm covering their eyes when they are completely blinded.
  • ...
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  • Added damage prediction settings. Damage prediction allows clients to immediately play the audio/visual effects of inflicting damage without waiting for confirmation from the server. Damage prediction can make shooting feel significantly more responsive, but comes with the risk of occasionally being wrong (e.g. due to aim punch, tagging, or a death that your client isn't yet aware of).
  • Predicted body shot effects (disabled by default), head shot effects (disabled by default), and kill ragdolls (enabled by default) can each be toggled separately.
  • Damage prediction is not active when you have high ping.
  • Updated the third-person animation that plays when a player is blinded by a flashbang. The animation now accurately represents the player's visibility level, and the pose will only show the player's arm covering their eyes when they are completely blinded.
  • ...
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05 Oct

  • Adjusted the score calculation in Casual, Competitive, and Wingman to exclude knife and utility damage
  • Fixed 3rd person weapon angles to fully incorporate recoil
  • Fixed missing cascade shadows on some community maps
  • Fixed the Armory weapon preview having extra models
  • Network jitter graphs now have a number in the upper right hand corner that gives the scale of the graph
  • Fixed some cases where shell casings could render as an error model
  • Various stability fixes
  • Adjusted the score calculation in Casual, Competitive, and Wingman to exclude knife and utility damage
  • Fixed 3rd person weapon angles to fully incorporate recoil
  • Fixed missing cascade shadows on some community maps
  • Fixed the Armory weapon preview having extra models
  • Network jitter graphs now have a number in the upper right hand corner that gives the scale of the graph
  • Fixed some cases where shell casings could render as an error model
  • Various stability fixes

02 Oct

Today's update introduces the Armory, all new Weapon Charms, and a whole lot more. Click the image below for more details!
Today's update introduces the Armory, all new Weapon Charms, and a whole lot more. Click the image below for more details!

19 Aug

Counter-Strike is constantly evolving. From art, to maps, to inventive plays, and even player input, the CS community shapes the game.

Scripting and automating player commands has always been contentious, but over the years some forms of scripting (e.g., jump-throws) have gained acceptance, as they enable plays that wouldn't otherwise be possible. In fact, jump-throws became such an important part of the game that we've done the work to make them reliable without any special scripting or binds (i.e., by jumping and quickly throwing a grenade).

Developing one's coordination and reaction time has always been key to mastering Counter-Strike.

Recently, some hardware features have blurred the line between manual input and automation, so we've decided to draw a clear line on what is or isn't acceptable in Counter-Strike.

We are no longer going to allow automation (via scripting or hardware) that circumvent these core skills and, moving forward, (and initi... Read more
Counter-Strike is constantly evolving. From art, to maps, to inventive plays, and even player input, the CS community shapes the game.

Scripting and automating player commands has always been contentious, but over the years some forms of scripting (e.g., jump-throws) have gained acceptance, as they enable plays that wouldn't otherwise be possible. In fact, jump-throws became such an important part of the game that we've done the work to make them reliable without any special scripting or binds (i.e., by jumping and quickly throwing a grenade).

Developing one's coordination and reaction time has always been key to mastering Counter-Strike.

Recently, some hardware features have blurred the line between manual input and automation, so we've decided to draw a clear line on what is or isn't acceptable in Counter-Strike.

We are no longer going to allow automation (via scripting or hardware) that circumvent these core skills and, moving forward, (and initi... Read more

16 Jul

Last year we announced the broad strokes of new rules for professional Counter-Strike events, to take effect in 2025. Today, we're filling in the details--click here[github.com] to see the terms that will be added to Tournament Organizers' license agreements moving forward.

Counter-Strike is at its best when teams compete on a level playing field, and these new rules are part of our commitment to the ... Read more
Last year we announced the broad strokes of new rules for professional Counter-Strike events, to take effect in 2025. Today, we're filling in the details--click here[github.com] to see the terms that will be added to Tournament Organizers' license agreements moving forward.

Counter-Strike is at its best when teams compete on a level playing field, and these new rules are part of our commitment to the ... Read more

26 Jun


Pool Day
  • Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes)

  • Added support to load the latest version of community maps from the Workshop when playing on community servers, even if different versions of the same maps are also available as part of official map groups
  • Fixed G-Sync detection to also work in non-windowed fullscreen mode
  • Fixed a...
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Pool Day
  • Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes)

  • Added support to load the latest version of community maps from the Workshop when playing on community servers, even if different versions of the same maps are also available as part of official map groups
  • Fixed G-Sync detection to also work in non-windowed fullscreen mode
  • Fixed a...
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