

05 Jun


Originally posted by Traxgen

Guy above you is probably referring to John Smith, aka Anet resident almighty, all-seeing, all-knowing economist. In case you haven't been paying attention to the economy, t6 leather has been in a dire spot compared to other materials in the same tier. This is largely due to the changes made by Smith, of which there were many, and each have a significant impact on the supply and demand of t6 leather.

The first sentence of this post is very well written.

08 Feb


Originally posted by RisingDusk

Is this factoring in the constant added sinks that come in the form of new legendary items being introduced? They not only require Mystic Coins for Mystic Clovers, but also use a stack of Mystic Coins outright for the Mystic Tribute.

What this means is that the input into the economy and the output from the economy are sitting at a +10% state.


Originally posted by RagnarokHorizon

Have you guys been tracking the accounts primarily associated with these regular suspicious behaviours? Cause these hotfixes on recipes feels a lot like a band-aid to the problem.

I attempted to hire a mercenary company to teach the last group a lesson and set an example, but was told that the expense report would be unceremoniously rejected. :(


Originally posted by nononsenseresponse

Are all recipes which use Mystic Coins considered balanced?

I know a pain point for a few recently was the amount of Mystic coins required for recipes used in Winter's Presence. I presume it was intended that these recipes become more expensive so to increase the prestige of these skins?

Might we expect a change to some recipes that are perhaps less prestigious as a result of Mystic Coins being more prestige? (e.g. creating a masterwork recipe like this)

There's definitely some natural imbalance from the changes to the game over time. I can't say whether we'll do an update to all the recipe prices, but this does come up when we're reviewing mystic coins.


Originally posted by Mike-OBrien-ArenaNet

A note about mystic coin prices. We’re continuing to monitor them but aren’t taking any action at this time. I know the question of the moment is: why increase supply of leather but not of mystic coins? Mystic coins are a currency that all players get in small quantities and then can sell to wealthy players who want to use them to craft aspirational or luxury items. Seen in that light it’s not inherently bad for them to be expensive, nor is it unnatural for them to increase in price as wealthy players continue to accumulate more wealth. We can measure their success more in terms of their use: are they actively traded between players and actively used? And the answer to those is a resounding yes. John will fill in some details. Mystic coins are doing their job. Having said all that, there are arguments on both sides, and I don’t mean to imply that there aren’t, but there isn’t a compelling case at this time that would make us go in and change the supply or sinks.


Looking at total sources and sinks of mystic coins, we've reached a stable state with sources being about 10% above sinks. Trading post prices also have reached an equilibrium even in the face of multiple manipulation attempts. Still, we're going to keep an eye on them to make sure the pattern remains stable in the long run.

27 Jan


Originally posted by Evadrepus

We lured him out of hiding...get him boys!


Originally posted by [deleted]

That's the guy doing that great job: /u/ProbablyJohnSmith

People being happy with me? I can only assume this is an elaborate hoax.


17 Jan


Originally posted by sarielv

Hey, for the next game anniversary, could you maybe throw together some queries for interesting trivia like was posted for the first year anniversary? Most popular races, enemies that cause the most deaths, things of that nature? :D

Possibly, I have to ask our community and PR peeps what's ok for stuff like that.


Originally posted by Keorl

He is currently "Head of Analytics" after being "Senior Data Scientist". Description still has a point about economics, but at this point I'm pretty sure JS is fluent in SELECT sql queries with all the fun stuff it can imply.

SQL c# and python all day long!


I show a total time of 5 minutes 39 seconds. That's a pure event time from start to complete. I believe you that you had more time, but it would mean the event starts earlier than the time (which makes sense)


Originally posted by rude_asura

which means he earns enough gold to pay the data base analyst scrubs to find that data for him

lol, looked this one up myself.

16 Jan


I may be able to confirm your times if you PM your char name

12 Jan


Originally posted by Blackops606

I need a reaction gif of you at your desk when you see something like this happen.


Originally posted by Evei_Shard

Nice melody, Nero.

This wins the award for the most clever shot at me today. Well done.


Originally posted by Jack_van_Houten

John, I just want to let you know I am on your side. Reddit overreacts massively. There has been a big attempt to disrupt the market, and prices are already pretty much back to status quo.

It's John 1 : 0 Reddit in my books.

P.s.: For every downvote I gonna buy 10 Coins and delete them.

Edit: At this point I think it's the funniest thing to just chicken out, just to see if you down- or upvote in anger. And I guess being the most hated person in a mystic coin related topic instead of John is a one time opportunity, isn't it? <3

"P.s.: For every downvote I gonna buy 10 Coins and delete them."

Playing a dangerous game there sir.


Originally posted by Musth

As in one person bought 30k coins? Or just that 30k were purchased today?

It was 2 people.

11 Jan

16 Dec


Originally posted by towelcat

Not sure what additional input I can give that hasn't been said. There is a natural conflict between solo and guild designed content. These are set to be reasonably attainable even by one person, and I think that's still true, but are still designed with a primary intention of a guild.

01 Nov


Originally posted by Raiden95

On a tangent, why is Zuzu the few-gold-on-the-TP Cat of Darkness sold for ~100 G-worth of cobs in the Halloween vendor?

I'd ask /u/ProbablyJohnSmith

Because he pops out of Tot bags.

21 Oct


Originally posted by Robinzhil

TIL: Stop clicking links on Reddit, can end up in reading 2 hours about economical constructions and theories.

What, that's the best reason to keep clicking links.