I've tried to verify before (although not recently), I do not know what could possible make it happen in the first place :(. I have completely uninstalled and then reinstalled a week or two ago and its still happening.
I'm curious if it might because I have more than one copy of the game or not.
I submitted a ticket on the RL site, I am willing to go through any trouble shooting ideas that might be of any help.
I know there is so many ways that the game can recognize a controller and its input, I am not sure if that is the problem or not. For Example
The controller settings in steam->Settings->controller
Or if right click on RL in the libray in steam, and go to properties, there is a drop down box with forced on, forced off, or one other option.
Also you can go to controler configuration on the right side of RL in the steam library.
Then there is ingame->settings->use steam beta, or xbox setting
Then the normal con...