

26 Jun

20 Jun

19 Jun

18 Jun

05 Jun

01 Jun


That turned out great! Thanks for sharing

12 May


Originally posted by trademarkmangobrrrrr

I know I know. Adding this is on the list somewhere :p


Originally posted by Anglkau

That's me who made that tweet, and I still stand by what I said, Hella funny seeing people be like "bet she didn't make it past King Slime or the first night."

I started playing terraria when 1.1 was released on mobile and put a total of 700 hours into it over the course of my young childhood early teenage years , so nice try, I guess? I played a lot from ages 10-13/14

I thought the creators response was funny but wasn't too happy to see the amount of people who stalked my page and started commenting and dming me calling me slurs and making rude comments on my looks, I respect redigit for responding since it was funny but all the terraria fans took at as a chance to harass me for my identity

And people wonder why I hate the game? The number of fans that took this as if I was a villain was overwhelmingly high, and that's part of the reason I dislike terraria. The community kinda sucks especially if you're someone like me. I want to like the game, and I used...

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I’m glad you didn’t take that personally, I was just trying to clown with you.

I’m sorry you received so much harassment, it wasn’t called for at all. Keep your head up and maybe close your DMs on there for a bit. Don’t let it get to you, Twitter is a war zone. Take a mental health break if you need to (I do all the time)

21 Apr


This turned out pretty good. Also, why is he just standing there!

13 Mar


This guy does cool art

09 Mar


We had to remove the scraggler in 1.4.4 after receiving many angry emails about his “offensive” dialogue

Due to the severity of the issue we deleted all references to him from the changelog and wiki

21 Feb

09 Feb

08 Feb


Originally posted by Tha1BlueGUY

From my child hood at 8 I fell in love when I saw it on YouTube,and when I got the chance I got it after I played it truly discovered the true love I have for it today and thanks to you my life is so much brighter than it was.5 years of Hapiness,epic moments,pain,torture,math,& fun thanks to you :) so thank you so much for creating this wonderful game and community known as terraria!

Thanks for playing it! 😁

07 Feb

05 Feb


Perfection 👌

04 Feb

31 Jan


Plants grow faster above ground btw, so it would be more efficient to grow them on the surface

23 Jan


Originally posted by Classic_Let_7432

I dare you to say something slightly controversial to get downvoted to oblivion then you will become the ultimate game dev even better than ea

Minecraft is better than Terraria