

11 Aug


There’s my girl! I love this, the rainbow is a nice touch

10 Aug


The idea of a slime with a boulder in it is 👌


Originally posted by MoonLord0

Out of curiosity, have you seen the image of moonlord with legs? Legendary image.

I like the image of moon lord’s badonkadonk better


Originally posted by Ghosthieve

Useless to ping him. It's disabled

It isn’t, I always check on them. I just don’t have much to say sometimes


Originally posted by DenTotal

I want digging Molecart to be obtained more earlier then 60% of the Bestiary cuz when I have 60% of bestiary completed I already have better tools then the digging Molecart...

Hey we did this recently!

09 Aug


Not gonna lie, seeing this makes me want one too


Seeing this made my day!

08 Aug


Imagine not having debug power. It’s a good idea though, I’ll consider it if we have time


This is a little sus

06 Aug


Originally posted by hmmm_wat_is_dis

Maybe you should do one final update to the game that's just based around music, we could also get a new boss thats based of an instrument

As someone who picked up guitar a few years back, don’t tempt me.


At this point I want to redo the entire music system, I just don’t want to keep delaying the update. Your suggestion has been heard (I actually get this one a lot)


Originally posted by microlint

i'm just starting out on here and twitter

Memes aside, this looks really good. Great job!


Originally posted by The_Cone_1

zamn you replied to me, hi red! will there be references to the boulder memes in 1.4.4?



Originally posted by The_Cone_1

as others said, it'd defete the "sentimentality" of the zenith, and I think having every end game gear being zenith would be lame

^ This guy gets it

05 Aug


Originally posted by -Abs0lution-

Sorry for the low resolution, i drew these on a very small scale and had a hard time rezising it.

Doesnt stack with placed water candle and water candle held in hand.

Also crafting recipe might be unbalanced, i wanted to keep it available for earlier stages, there could also be a peace candle variant.

Cute sprites! I gotta admit, it would be neat to have a water candle following you and giving the increased spawn debuff.


Originally posted by Dylanthegamer7741

How is this different from Money Trough or Void Bag?


Originally posted by PieNinja314

This is hilarious!