

21 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

Awesome! Can always use a Lifeline in hectic squad play, I like her.

I haven’t figured out which situations are best to use Bangalore’s smoke though

Digi threat scopes are awesome with Bangalore smoke


Originally posted by vhdblood

You can animation cancel the Peacekeeper for a faster fire rate, that's the only issue I have with it.

we have a fix coming for this no ETA yet but I've played it.


Originally posted by spillednick

Any chance for platform specific balance? The Wingman and Peacekeeper are pretty oppressive on PC, and the increased tracking makes the r-301 and to a lesser extent the r-99 pretty powerful.

we're considering a wide range of ideas which could theoretically include platform specific adjustments. no promises though.


Originally posted by QueefingQuailman

Any work being done about the Ninja control scheme bug? Or does it work as intended?

Can you link or provide more info please?


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hi Sean, if I may ask, what is your favorite legend to play as right now? Mine is Pathfinder :D

Bangalore is my soul as a weapons guy. I vibe with her so hard.

Squad comp wise, when I play with my normal squad of killers I like to run Lifeline to support their insanity.


Originally posted by Juggale

So with talk of the new gun using 2 hopups, could we get the hopups in training to practice with them? For all the guns really. Hopefully I'm not to late with this question.

Edit: forgot to mention before I hit submit, and mods for practice with the differences.

we feel you! nothing to announce tho.


Originally posted by darkensync

Hey Sean,thanks for this thread,very cool to see more insight into your inspiration for the gun.

Not related to Havoc,but I see you noted CoD2 in your twitter bio,what was your favorite weapon in that game?Would love to see a apex gun that was inspired by a cod2 weapon!

I've spent probably a few thousand hours on CoD2 snd PC when I was young,had a very active community in my region

So many good weapons in CoD2. Love the feel of the Thompson, kar98, Springfield, MP44, and that chunky BAR.


Originally posted by solaire2395

I was ranging from 55Dmg to the chest at close-medium range, and I think 30 and longer ranges. Hit scan helps a lot, as sometimes you don’t want to kill, but get an enemy off your back so you can change locations ya know?

Max damage is 55 for charge beam mode, and scales down over distance. (Not a linear scale but I'll leave it for the community to discover)


Originally posted by donny_jon

So Triple Take is even more useless now, k. I'm happy with the new gun but don't forget other guns as well ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Some of my thoughts... 3x Take fills a unique role in our game thanks to its fast refire rate and forgiving horizontal three-round pattern.

You can shred with it at mid ranges if you're landing 2+ pellets per shot. It's more capable in CQ than the DMR if you hit the whole pattern (like for emergency house clears)

I think its most unique role is ranged squad fire support. Tag the bad guys and suppress them while your offensive Legends close the gap.

I agree it's not a marksman's rifle, but it's designed as an entry point into ranged combat that is more forgiving for less experienced shooters. In the hands of a pro, always select the Precision Choke and flex those headshot skills.


Originally posted by JumpIntoTheFog

Great now where can I learn these types of tips about weapons already in the game 😩

What do you want to know? I'm here brah


Originally posted by BaghdadAssUp

I'm just curious if the crouch fast weapon switching is something that will stay or be fixed?

that's a bug, we're on it. no ETA yet.


Originally posted by BDL1998

Hi Sean!



Originally posted by Nik0117

Havoc is a lot of fun and seems to be pretty well balanced. Do you guys have any idea when Crossplay will be available?

nothing to announce about Crossplay, sorry. thanks for playing!


Originally posted by SkyyLord

Here are several videos showcasing it, but I could find none with steps to reproduce it 100%.

Edit: it appears to be after dropping the havoc in its already bugged state (no reserve ammo, cant reload) that actually crashes the server. I cant confirm this but hope it helps.

thank you!


Originally posted by awstoned

Please don’t nerf the wingman. And if it’s an absolute must

Just make the mag size 6,7,8,9

That seems reasonable

Gun feels to good to catch a nerf cause the crying kiddos

thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by SkyyLord

Hey Sean. Not sure if you know but right now theres a bug on PC where if you drop a Havoc on the ground with a turbocharger, it'll crash the game. Any ETA on a fix for this? Thanks and looking forward to more updates.

thanks, we are looking into it now. if you have a repro video please post it btw


Originally posted by lucid1014

Saw a screenshot someone posted today of a Gold Havoc and it was using the Select Fire mod, will there also be gold versions with the turbocharger mod?

wouldn't that be cool...


Originally posted by Zanryu1993

Specifically on the Selectfire charge, yes.

that's correct. you can reach out and touch someone, but it might only be a tickle


Originally posted by kinzu7

great concept. hopefully i can try the havoc more. the delay killed me once, but it was my first try with that weapon. so i have to try it sometime again.

when can we expect the new legend? :D

no shame about the delay, I think it happened to everyone here at the office their first time too. It's a little tricky to get used to.

I don't have anything to share about Legends but... I wish I could...


Originally posted by Cribbit

Many players have noted the insane power of the wingman, especially how spammable it is with extended mags which removes the "high skill" aspect the gun seems to want.

Are there any plans for changes to it? A common suggestion is removing the mag slot.

thanks for the feedback... more on current weapon balance in this comment: