If anyone is looking for the biased cast Drakos has mentioned: https://youtu.be/ANYSVFozF_g?t=1075
He also says "This is bad" when H2K loses the 2nd game lol.
This is my masterpiece
If anyone is looking for the biased cast Drakos has mentioned: https://youtu.be/ANYSVFozF_g?t=1075
He also says "This is bad" when H2K loses the 2nd game lol.
This is my masterpiece
This is a gift, thank you. XD
Caster library
Head librarian Drakos
This is my application to join the world's song.
As a Magic player, I noticed two infinite combos and at least three rule violations.
As a former MTG judge and designer of these cards i say shhhhhh. Shhhhhhh
Let me be clear if you do the math on Ahri Everfrost ALWAYS does more damage then Luden as you have 20% extra AP ratio on Everfrost. The only situation when Luden might be better is if you can proc it twice in a prolongued duel, but for what Ahri does most of the games which are picks and burst Everfrost is far superior in both damage and utility.
Besides the Active you don't benefit as much from a Penetration build, full AP is usually better, as you have a total of 348% AP (/w Everfrost and Electrocute) while hitting your whole kit, and and the 10 AP mythic passive while slightly inferior is comparable to the Penetration from Luden due to Shadowflame making it possible to reach 38 Mpen without Luden/Proto.
Moreover Shadowflame is better then Horizon focus as 2nd or 3rd item, but worse as 5th
Do you have a link to a spreadsheet with the math in it? Appreciate the writeup, definitely surprising to me if Ludens is less damage but would love to understand it 100%
Drakos' collar, noo disoster.
Wait it's not Caedrel?
Great job :D Was the freestyle section written or actually freestyled?
The post credit scene was an actual freestyle. But we had to keep the initial one consistent for editing reasons. Otherwise I'm sure Vedi would have freestyled. Lol
Shoutout to Vedius and RiotMooncake. Mooncake produced the piece and Vedius wrote it! Glad to see people are enjoying it.
"Faces of elation on G2" says Drakos as Wunder looks like he's going to kill someone and the others don't give a shit.
That's the jokeeeeeee
That line has been engraved in my soul since I played Soul Calibur 2 on the Gamecube almost 20 years ago.
Same except it was PS2 and I was sad every day that Heihachi was not Link or Spawn.
That is a really good use of the Soul Calibur line.
I wrote this line in hopes at least one person would notice, so far I've got three. woop woop.
the LEC production/talent team really, really rarely misses. I f**king love Drakos man, it's the last NA import we have, we need to keep him.
Appreciate you. <3
Did you ever stop to think
I could ask "did you ever start to think"?
I'm pretty sure you are student or unemployed, because in many work places where are working 2-3x more people than Krepo listed (his list is exaggerated also) it is possible to create safe environment.
But have to have know-how and management skills to create this or just you have to be willing to do so.
So Rioters don't have skills or willingness?
His list isn't exaggerated at all.
You know who else was impressive? Drakos' shirt. With Yamato gone is Drakos stepping up on the fashion game? u/RiotDrakos if you read this your style today was straight fire.
<3 <3 Thank you!!!!
This is so awesome...WOW!
At 27:36 Drakos says EU still has 4 worlds seeds. This isn't true. EU has to win MSI to have 4 seeds, otherwise we have 3.
Yeah I actually have no idea why I said that. Guess I just got used to it. Someone smarter than me will have it all clarified end of MSI.
Huge congrats to Caedrel who will be casting his first final in his first split as a caster! Also to Elyoya who will be doing the only slightly more impressive playing in his first final in his first split as a player in the LEC.
Big props to Vedi, who solo wrote this piece and our producer Riot MoonCake for her incredible work as always.
Uh, yeah awkward. what this guy said.