How the duck you put jankos first when he can't play qiyana.
I won't listen to the podcast and just flame you for it
Trust me, we flamed his Qiyana too.
How the duck you put jankos first when he can't play qiyana.
I won't listen to the podcast and just flame you for it
Trust me, we flamed his Qiyana too.
We are a simple org,
We see EUphoria,
We listen.But don't you talk shit about Woolite and HeaQ!
Why would I need to talk sh*t? You relegated him, I think that says enough.
I think top 20 lists are a cool & fun thing to do but I found it quite difficult to follow and remember three lists of 20 people at the same time.
Just my opinion but I'd love top 5 lists in each role and maybe a shorter list of overall players.
I agree, if we do something like this again I'll make sure we get a graphic to follow along with. But also probably stick to top 10 because 20 is just too many to get through in an hour.
It's cool that you link the tier lists. I'm in school for 4 more hours so I won't be able to listen to it that fast, so it's nice to see the lists you all did!
Don't call me clown please
All good! Just don't start hard flaming before you hear the arguments. ha ha
Hey all,
Lots of new changes coming for this EUphoria season, a new set, new guests and more focused content. Let me know what you think and also if you have any great ideas for EUphoria that you would love to share.
For those asking, here are each of the respective tier lists Imgur
And as always, if you ask questions that are answered by listening to the podcast, I'll call you a clown. Much love!
That wasn't cringe, this comment is
Embrace the comment.
Sometimes you just have to embrace the cringe.
That picture makes Quickshot look like a deranged homeless man who fumbled up onto the stage and started spouting his radical agenda.
He did tell me to use whatever picture I want when I was making the graphic. XD
Medic, Drakos,
Out of the bottom tier teams, which one do you enjoy casting the most and why?
Personally I really enjoyed casting Origen this season. For a bottom tier team they sure had a lot of standout moments. =)
How will having Worlds take place in Europe infulence the broadcast?
Yes, we will finally get to settle the debate between which EU fans are the greatest: Spanish or French.
Hi! I'm thoroughly enjoying LEC and all the content coming from it, but I have a question about something that used to amuse a lot of viewers. Is using infamous phrases like "destiny", "legacy", "new kings old kings" something that the broadcast team agrees to do beforehand or is it casters individually saying things like this in the heat of the moment?
And who is the best Yasuo on the broadcast team?
I am the best Yasuo hands down, no contest.
The dynasty kings legacy stuff usually comes down to how we as a broadcast team decide to describe and summarize the achievements of our top teams. Which I think is quite powerful and sounds super cool as long as it's not overdone. G2 had a dynasty 2016-2017, total domination, I never regret calling it that. But the repetition of it to the point where it becomes a meme is definitely not intentional. XD
Favorite food?
Pizza, all other answers are wrong.
Interpretative dance instructor.
When are the tickets for your World Tour gonna be available? Can't wait to see you rap!
Gimme like two years, you'll know I popped off when I get the Tyler, the Creator feature. Alternatively if I vanish completely it's because I'm ghost writing for Drake.
Read more-Which team would you like to see at worlds as EUs 3rd seed?
-How do you manage to speak so many languages fluently? I am currently learning my 4th language (french), but i struggle really hard. Do you have any tips?
-Considering you have been there from beginning, what do you think about the evolution of the EU scene? Is there anything that stands out for you?
-Who do you like to interview the most?
-Considering you are from france, how hyped are you that the finals are going to be played there?
-Which teams do you think are the top 5 in the world right now?
-Do you think G2 is going to meet expectations at worlds? Are the teams maybe going to figure G2 out?
-What do you think about Griffin? Considering they all have nearly no international experience, do you think they will falter under the...
-Is there going to be a rap battle for worlds?
No rap battle for worlds this time, definitely want to see if Flowers wants to tag team an anthem for the west at some point in the future though.
-Do you think there is a realistic chance for the 3rd seeds to be stuck in play-ins? (looking at NAs 3rd seed situation)
I think for the most part it's still highly unlikely that any of the 3rd seeds get dropped in play-ins. Most of the smaller regions are getting stronger but not to the point where I think teams need to be scared of getting put in 3rd seed. Would really love to see a major region knocked out though, as long as its not EU. :p
-Do you enjoy your life in EU considering you are originally from NA. What are the major differences?
My life in EU is much more comfortable than my life in NA was. There were a few big changes for me. The first is living in a city wi...
Read moreYou have mentioned somewhere that you have a Soundcloud but don't want to make it public to league community. Is there any chance you'll ever change your mind, so we can hear what your non-league music sounds like?
I will be releasing music publicly sometime this year or early next year.
Read moreI'll just throw questions at everyone because why not:
/u/eutriaged How would you describe your job in a sentence with less than 10 words and whats the most fun about it?
/u/Barshnip What's the most interesting stat that you want the casters to talk about, but they actually haven't?
/u/havocrumpet my guess would be, that you create/organize hype videos for lec and all these things, that are played during the broadcast, if yes: who is your favorite pro to work with? If no ... what do you actually do?
/u/RiotQuickshot Do you miss Deficio, or have you gotten over him?
/u/RiotDrakos How do you come up with all those rap-lines for the rap-battles we have seen so far?
/u/Mediccasts Is there anyone at riot, that benches more than you? also ... did you try arm wrestling hyllis...
I make a sheet with every joke/meme/quote I can possible find from the two teams, get the beat and then lock myself away until I finish the lyrics.
To /u/RiotDrakos How did you end up as PBP Shoutcaster and how long did it take you to be where you are standing now? Was it a difficult road?
Also, how is it possible you didn't cast MSI finals? You got the best voice and the way you hype is just perfect. YOU BETTER CAST WORLDS FINALS, not some NA plebs.
To /u/Ovedius Was it tough to "get in Deficio's shoes"? How hard did you have to improve or maybe it was easy to be probably the best colour caster?
To /u/RiotQuickshot Why do you consider stepping down as caster? In my opinion you are doing great job as PBP caster and honestly, you and Sjokz are the face of LEC.
Lots of love to entire LEC crew, you are doing a fantastic job!
How did you end up as PBP Shoutcaster and how long did it take you to be where you are standing now? Was it a difficult road?
Also, how is it possible you didn't cast MSI finals? You got the best voice and the way you hype is just perfect. YOU BETTER CAST WORLDS FINALS, not some NA plebs.
Originally I wanted to be a color caster, I’ve always had a love for deep strategy and it felt like color casting let me scratch that itch. But as time went on, and I surrounded myself with more and more color casters, eventually someone had to PbP. I tried it and enjoyed it immensely. When it came time to apply for Riot I actually went through a massive crisis of faith as I was offered opportunities as either a color or a PBP. In the end I chose PBP and while I’ve since been a host and analyst on the desk, I’d say my strongest role is still clearly PBP.
Getting into esports and casting was quite easy at first but progressively got harder. I sta...
Read moreTo quickshot :Any chance deficio casts in playoffs or at worlds?(or joins the analyst desk)
To frosk:You were in the LPL for a long time before coming to europe,i'd like to hear your opinion on why LPL always seemed to have that hyper agressive style even when the meta was about late game .
To Drakos:Have you recorded other raps before LEC?.
I have recorded a few things before. All of them are on a Soundcloud, that If I am lucky, will never see the light of day. XD
To Daniel Drakos:
Do we get more songs in the near future?
o Daniel Drakos:
Do we get more songs in the near future?
I’ll be working on some music personally in the off season but nothing through Riot is planned on my end.
To all the Rap Battle fans, sorry we didn’t get a G2/FNC rap battle in. It’s definitely on my radar for next year.