

25 Oct


Originally posted by Carrash22

Incredible guys. You’re trully the unsung heroes of this whole event. You make everything run so smoothly.

Kinda makes you understand why other esports events have so many hiccups after seeing how many problems you’ve had to deal with.

Looks like a great place to work in for anyone passionate about IT.

Thank you Carrash22, that's super kind of you!

I'm biased but I would definitely agree that's a great place for anyone interested in a wide range of tech.


Originally posted by dydx4j

Have you considered public clouds for game servers?

We definitely have thought about it. The thing we have to consider is latency, locations where public clouds exist don't always align with where our pro players are. For roadshows we also want to ensure the lowest possible ping which makes offline game servers a necessity.


Originally posted by p-one

Here’s the problem - most traditional events that use these venues, like regular sport matches, concerts, and conventions, don’t require high-bandwidth point-to-point connections to particular data centers.

Has this ever caused a change in the desired capacity for a venue?

If you're talking about bandwidth, then yes! Although not ideal, when this happens we've had to come up with ways to lower our bandwidth use for that show, such as using MPEG4 for video transmission.


Originally posted by accou1234

How about people BTS?

What would you wanna know about the people behind the scenes?

You can find most of our team tagged on LinkedIn in this post by our manager.


Originally posted by Ispirationless

My question is kinda ironic but actually serious: what do you mean you cannot go into detail regarding some stuff?

For example, there might be some topics that I'd have to go too in-depth about which could lead to security concerns.


Originally posted by Bossyfins

How much dedicated wam does your streaming server have ;)

All of it!


Originally posted by popegonzo

That's fantastic & super interesting, thanks for the reply!

Thanks for the question!


Originally posted by Necromaze

P2p wireless has to be so slow and unstable. What the hell were you running off that?

This wasn't your regular wireless, it was Multi-Gigabit with 0.2ms latency.


Originally posted by lonewolfandpub

That's so cool, problem-solving wise. Just from a project management perspective, this whole undertaking is massive but incredibly interesting. How did you get into this line of work?

To be honest, I've been extremely lucky. I started at Riot in Player Support and just kept looking for opportunities to take on more work and help out, this eventually led to me joining the Esports team in 2013 in a Live Production role which, at the time, meant picking up pretty much any task that we didn't have a team for and then tracking and planning for those tasks in the future.

Nowadays we have a big Esports team, all of the various planning and project management tasks are more focused, there's a dedicated Events and Broadcast Production Management team that handles all the logistics around the events and then our team that handles a lot of the technical planning and execution.

Depending on which team you'd want to join today, I would focus on Technical Product/Development Management experiences and courses or Project Management certificates and event volunteer opportunities.

24 Oct


Originally posted by popegonzo

...our teams conduct fiber surveys to discover nearby fiber optic backhauls a full year before we even set foot at a venue

How does this work when the venue isn't selected until a few months before the matches start, like 2018? Do you need to survey every potential venue as the bidding process is carried out? Have you ever had to reject a venue (no need to name names, of course) in the selection process due to networking concerns?

We get a list of potential venues from our Events team and start conducting the surveys as soon as possible. Although it's very rare that a venue is completely "dark", there have been times were we've had to just abandon one of the choices because of it. We will always try to figure out solutions that could work, though. As an example, for one venue we were going to have to get them to dig up streets in the middle of the city in order to get fiber. Instead, we ended up using point to point wireless links to get connectivity from a nearby high rise.


Originally posted by mraricayos

Curious to know the network equipment setup per live venue though

What would you like to know? There's some stuff we can't go into detail about but I'm happy to add what I can!

02 May


Not sure where you got this from as the players can choose to play in their local language when playing on stage. As part of the checklisting process, the referees also have the players sign off that they are playing in the language that they want to play in before joining the game lobby.

01 May


Originally posted by alexandre28

I think any player can have the game in any language they want. Even in NA for example, a korean import can have his game in korean. Can someone confirm?

Can confirm; we support all requested pro player languages on tournament realms.

16 Sep


Originally posted by lunfard0reload

What players do you use for those test? Many bugs are only possible be found by Pros/Challengers/OTPs which restraint a lot the amount of useful testers.

And not to mention the tons of known bugs that were never fixed (e.g: morde infamous bug list), so even if those tester found a critical bug, chances are you wont have time to fix it.

We've used a range of Rioters & QA; this week we'll be getting additional help from the Playtest teams at Riot (much higher rank than majority of Rioters) which will help us get games that are as similar to pro play as possible along with running the maximum amount of "direct connect" spectators (explained here) to add stress on the servers.


Hey everyone,

We are definitely taking these issues seriously and it's a top priority right now for multiple engineering teams. While the shows are going on, we're running internal playtests on our offline servers to gather additional data with frequent engineering changes, improving logging (and performance when possible) to help dig deeper into the root cause.

In regards to NA LCS today, the reason for the extended Chronobreak pause was due us moving the game between servers in order to provide information into the performance differences across setups.

In the upcoming week, we'll be ramping up the amount of offline game server playtesting we are doing on the Worlds patch as well as continuing to investigate potential causes outside of the game server process (which could be adding to the performance problems).

24 Jun


Originally posted by ltshaft15

No, the one at Worlds was different. The worlds one the entire thing disappeared and it was caused by having too many spectators in the game. Only a certain number of people got to see the stars and the spectators would sometimes supercede the players.

That's probably not what's happening here considering no one is spectating some random game.

EDIT: Was due to age of observer accounts, not the number of them. Was a bit off in my memory.

It wasn't due to the amount of spectators in the game but due to the observer accounts being older than the player accounts. Check out this bug breakdown for a super cool (IMO) explanation/deep dive.

07 May


Originally posted by Felixphaeton

I know someone who bound camera movement to WASD and skills to 1234

I use SZXC, H is my stop key and then I use the rest of the keys as normal. Feels like I have way more control over the camera with these bindings.

25 Sep


Originally posted by ScapegoatSkunk

Not using caps to just say thank you for your guys' effort. I'm sure that these things are often unavoidable and I would hate to be in your guys' shoes under these circumstances.

Appreciate the kind words!


Originally posted by clarkx100

That's what Riot gets for using the router provided by the cable company. You should invest in a good 3rd party router and switch :)




Originally posted by [deleted]

as long as the issues don't carry over to the Bo5 stage and second group stage I doubt anyone is really gonna mind.

But the issue they brought up is "network issues", isn't everything offline? Sure it's still a network, but it is so small, compact that I can't imagine that actually being what the issue was?

Was that just simplifying it for the stream viewers?

On a very simple level, imagine your router at home dying during a LAN party, you guys are still going to lose network connectivity even though you weren't using the Internet.