

08 Nov


Originally posted by selbiT0mo

what we’ve taken to calling v1

So it's 2v2v2v2v2 ?



07 Nov


Originally posted by kayzeno

I'm a little confused. With augments being limited to 2 each, does that mean across the entire match? like only 2 players get the opportunity to take it?

This gamemode is awesome and I hope it stays for good some day. I don't like summoners rift and ARAM has gotten pretty stale.

Across the entire match, only two people will be able to take it. So, if someone sees it in the first round but doesn't take it, it will go back into the pool for subsequent rounds.

And thanks for the kind words!


Originally posted by rexlyon

If you queue as 8, is it random who is on who's team? Our group is happy with this no matter what method it uses, but was curious.

Our team made a new lobby design to allow you to choose who is on who's team

06 Nov


Originally posted by AlternativeCall4800

i hope they finally fix the augment reroll.. rerolling bad augments just to see them again, even twice in the same round was so dumb

You should not be rerolling into augments you've seen in the same round. It will be possible to see them in future rounds.


Originally posted by Vegetable_Review_742

Who’s ready for the flood of “they ruined arena”, “arena sucks now”, “I loved the first arena but now...”, etc comments?

Let's go.


Originally posted by slawcat

The article is misleading in this regard. The only line about how many you can queue with says "Groups of 2 and 4 people can now queue together".

In fact, the number 3 doesn't even show up in the entire article besides as part of your name and when writing out a patch number that has "3" in it. Could that be updated to clarify? 🙂

I sent a request, but it'll take time before it happens if it's possible.


Originally posted by _Trixrforkids_

You don't think the random when you queue as 3 is going to get griefed?

Possibly, but the alternative is to not let you queue 3 at all. If some players want to risk it to play with three, we didn't see the need to prevent them from doing so.


Originally posted by bingbongzingzongz

The subreddit hive mind is patiently awaiting your magnum opus champ Hwei

He better be more absurd than KSante, god knows we have been ranting about KSante for too long, we could use another new high skill ceiling champ to make rant posts about

You got it.


Originally posted by Boudynasr

riot maxwell, i f**king love you man, you have made some questionable champs like yuumi

but arena was just so f**king good that idc if you would make a yuumi 2.0

ok pls no yuumi 2.0 im jk, i am all in for arena 2.0 tho

Too late dog on book champ inc.


Originally posted by acloudfullofrain

Can you actually queue as 3? Our friend group is a trio and we wanted to play this mode together ever since it came out, but the article mentions only groups of 2/4/8.

Groups of 2 and 4 people can now queue together and choose who is on what team. We also allow a full group of 8 people to queue together, allowing them their own private match.

Yes you can. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 are all allowed. One of you will get paired with a random, although you can choose who that is.


Originally posted by HeartRange

Idk why they can't disable rating gain/lose when queueing as 8. Going to have some ridiculous wintraders at the top of the leaderboard, or maybe im misunderstanding

Yeah, that sentence is a little unclear. Groups of 8 will NOT get rating changes. Queuing as 1, 2, 3, or 4 will get rating changes.

23 Aug


Thank you for the kind words! We definitely haven’t seen the last of Arena; the team is discussing the future plans for the mode and none of the options on the table involve abandoning it. Brightmoon and Meddler will have a dev update soon that includes what the next steps are for the mode.

05 Aug


Originally posted by BacalaoPlus

I see, so it's analogous to the system Tetris uses. What about the 3 teams scenario? How does the game decide which ones fight first?

It prefers the team with the most health (coin flip if there's a tie), UNLESS that would cause a back to back fight.


Originally posted by imhereforthekarma676

But how does it work when it's down to 3 teams? And how are there instances where one team fights 3 fights in a row when there are only 3 teams? Shouldn't it be AvB, AvC, then BvC? I have games where it's AvB, AvC, then AvB again

That's a bug. If you have an example game ID where that happened, it would help us track down the bug. The bye should rotate regardless unless a second team gets eliminated.

04 Aug


Originally posted by mystireon

How come the teams aren't rotated on top 3?

I've noticed a couple games where I had to fight back to back for several rounds in a row while the enemy essentially just got a game off every other game.

You shouldn't fight a team back to back unless there's only two teams. On the first round there are three teams, whichever team has the most life remaining will get the first bye, unless doing that would cause a repeat matchup


It’s round Robin, with making sure that you don’t fight back to back. So you could have

AvB, AvC, AvD, AvC, AvD, AvB

You fight teams an equal number of times on the round Robin, but with some variance on the order

03 Aug


Originally posted by Burpmeister

I don't mean to offend or be an asshole but can I ask what lead the team to pick Shaco, the most universally hated and despised champion in the game, as one of the new map cameos?

We made one for each champion with a soul fighter skin. Also, his boxes are at least visible in the cameo.

Rest assured if he's actually terrible, we can disable him.

02 Aug


Originally posted by RiotPhlox

I may have been too chimed up when buffing Bard

Chimes are a hell of a drug


We’re prepping a micropatch to sort him out. Turns out you CAN buff bard too much

29 Jul


Originally posted by KnightsWhoNi

How is Cassiopeia escaping nerfs?!

She has hotfix nerfs on live already