

27 Jun


Originally posted by Kitayuki

My biggest concern is whether it will be "brought back", as in another event, or here to stay permanently. Suppose it's an overwhelming success -- can we look forward to always being able to play it, or is it going to be brought back for a few weeks at a time twice a year? Because Arena is exactly what I've been looking for ever since Dominion became kill, but it's going to be really hard to get invested into it long-term if I have to play on Riot's schedule and not my own.

If it's an overwhelming success, then a permanent version is definitely something we're going to be working on.


Originally posted by FallenDeus

Should have removed flash by the logic you posted in the blog... Flash tends to just be traded unless you have a way to kill them that cannot be reacted to, in which case that's just bad design.

Still lots of outplay potential in using flash to dodge a specific skill. Additionally, Flash has a one round cooldown, so greeding to win without using it has value.


Originally posted by Xey2510

So the chest was empty

the spaghetti withered away decades ago


Originally posted by Arceus919

int sled my beloved

Prayge Int Sled


Originally posted by RiotAugust

I love the augment where Ekko shows up and rewinds the game back to season 1



Originally posted by Xey2510

Augments really look like rioters pulled out the old dusty chest with all the currently unused or old code from old abilities

I didn't script it myself but I can almost assure you old Fiora ult had to be scripted from scratch.


Originally posted by Jragon713

What about gold stackers like Gangplank and Twisted Fate? Do they get some sort of gold gain (though even if they did, I guess I wouldn't be able to spend it on an extra crit cloak :/), or do they have some other compensation for being balanced around being ahead in items?

Gangplank gets some Silver Serpents to upgrade his ult.

Twisted Fate has a change to his gold stacking passive. The extra gold on champs that can get it is useful for item swaps (sell and rebuy) or buying juices.


Originally posted by sneakysunset

Can i sell my items? And if I do do i get full price refund?




Originally posted by NocaNoha

Love that you've equalized the gold [hopefully EXP too?], removed runes and brought in augments. Would love the same thing on ARAM so that people wouldn't worry as much about lagging behind [although keeping the turrets invulnerable for a period of time or similar]

As for new game mode - Would it be possible to give us one broken and one silly combination without revealing much?

Broken Combo:
Ultimate Revolution + Can't Touch This

Silly Combo:
Chauffeur + anything

Earthwake + Now You See Me

I'll let you try and figure out what those augments do.


Originally posted by Silverwing20

No exhaust LETS f**kING GOOOOO

This was my exact response when we removed non-flash summoners.


Originally posted by giasrope

My only concern (other than the gamemode just straight up leaving after a few weeks) is the possibility of the cameos feeling like bs mechanics that get in the way of buildcrafting and skill expression. This mode is the closest we have ever got to a 1v1 and I would think the type of people that it would attract the most are the type of people that would rather win due to better build crafting or outplaying their opponents with mechanics, not because the opponent just so happenes to get nuked by a random lux laser that just wins the fight for you.

Cameos are intended to give you variance in the round. You need to be able to respond to them and react appropriately. Generally though, they're fairly predictable and can be played around. For example, Pyke always dashes towards the target furthest from him, Shaco boxes are visible (but can't be killed), and Naafiri stops on first champ hit (even enemy champs). You can use them to your advantage


Originally posted by F0RGERY

Is there similar compensation for champions with inaccessible mechanics?

E.g. Yorick needing minions to die to summon his army, or Bel'Veth's empowered form needing epic monsters.

Generally if the character needs it to function, we did our best to add the mechanic in. Bel'veth gets free stacks every round to simulate her scaling over game time.

26 Jun


Originally posted by Sherby123

I see, thanks. Will be interesting to play, hopefully it isn't sent to the limited gamemode depths never to be seen again.

I see, thanks. Will be interesting to play, hopefully it isn't sent to the limited gamemode depths never to be seen again.

I also hope this.


Originally posted by Rip_ManaPot

We NEED ro have this in customs. It's the perfect custom game mode for a group of friends honestly. I was really hoping it was gonna be a thing from the beginning.

Yeah, I'd love customs as well, but unfortunately the tech would've taken a shocking amount of time to get in. If the mode does well, we're likely going to run it again and we'll be taking a look at adding customs from the get go.


Originally posted by BOEJlDEN

How many people can queue up in a party? Is it limited to 2 or could 4 friends queue up and become two of the teams in a game?

Just two for first release. If the mode is popular and we bring it back, its top of the list of features we're looking at.


Originally posted by Sherby123

Why is something like this, that presumeably takes a lot more effort to build then something like URF, limited time? That just seems like a wildly dumb choice to me.

We don't want to release something permanently if players don't love it. We end up splitting our focus between too many things and then it restricts us making new things. If it goes well, we'll bring it back.


Originally posted by InspectorStranger

Is there any chance that we can play this with a custom lobby? We have a group of ~10 friends that we play league with and can never play game modes together. 2v2v2v2 would be so cool with all friends.

We won't for the first release, but its something we really want to add in the future (a lot of our team members want to play that way as well).

23 Jun


Originally posted by paopaow1118

If you are changing how you measure success, could we maybe see some older game modes coming back then?

We're reevaluating the strategy. The team has been full steam ahead on getting the 2v2v2v2 out for Summer, so we don't have much to share right now, but we know that we want to be doing more different modes than we have in the recent past.


Originally posted by yukine95

How will the balance work? For example, is it possible picking 2 Supports without invalidating yourself?

Some comps will start better than others, but certain augments can definitely make 2 supports work. Some of the most degenerate gameplay in tests came from a double support comp.


Originally posted by RiotMeddler

Really looking forward to being able to call this thing by it's actual, straightforward name, not the 2v2v2v2 description every time when talking about it publicly....

I'll get the modes team on making some cooler code names